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Old Man

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  1. My rage meter has been blinking now for years.
  2. Here's an alternate weapon construction system I wrote up in 2002(!). As suggested upthread, it breaks out the Xd6-1 damage classes as a separate DC (with minor differences) at a cost of 4 points/DC. I also put together a system for weapon advantages and limitations and then built out the weapon tables accordingly. What I liked about doing this was that it helped smooth out the damage range and reduced granularity for relatively low damage class ranges like we usually see in FH. Never got a chance to try it out in practice though. Frankly I can't even remember if I checked the math. --- Fine Damage Classes This weapon chart revolves around a damage progression scheme I call "Fine Damage Classes" (FDC). This introduces more levels of damage in between the usual damage classes, to get rid of some of the granularity that can occur with killing damage (especially at low levels). Both the x 1/2 d6 and xd6-1 die rolling schemes are employed with one difference: for xd6-1 rolls, the minimum damage cannot be less than the number of dice rolled. This matters primarily at low levels; the effect falls away sharply as FDC increases. It was also necessary to alter the active points per DC in some cases, again to prevent granularity. Fine Damage Classes: Chart FDC DMG min avg max active pts size ------------------------------------------------------ 0 1 pip 1 1 1 1 -2 1 1-2 1 1.5 2 4 -2 2 .5d6 1 2 3 8 -1 3 1d6-1 1 2.67 5 12 -1 4 1d6 1 3.5 6 15 0 5 1d6+1 2 4.5 7 19 0 6 1.5d6 2 5.5 9 23 0 7 2d6-1 2 6.02 11 27 +1 8 2d6 2 7 12 30 +1 9 2d6+1 3 8 13 34 +2 10 2.5d6 3 9 15 38 +2 11 3d6-1 3 9.5 17 42 +3 12 3d6 3 10.5 18 45 +3 13 3d6+1 4 11.5 19 49 +4 14 3.5d6 4 12.5 21 53 +4 15 4d6-1 4 13 23 57 +5 16 4d6 4 14 24 60 +5 "Size" determines the number of hands needed to use the weapon. This is addressed further down. Weapon Construction The STR Min of a given weapon is determined by adding up the features as shown in the chart below. As an example, a broadsword has a base FDC of 5 (STR Min 10), +1 OCV (+4 STR), and can be used only with one hand (-1 STR), giving a final STR Min of 12. Feature STR Cost ---------------------------------- per FDC 2 +1 OCV +4 -1 OCV -3 added reach (L or L3) +1 reduced reach (S) -1 penetrating +1 AP +4 +1 stun multiplier +1 flail maneuver +1 throw +1 one hand only -1 set, unhorse +1 for either or both reduced penetration -2 This listing also makes it easy to break out the values of a given weapon, so if there is any particular feature a GM thinks is under- or over-costed, he can easily alter the stats of the associated weapons. Here I make hammers and flails more effective by discounting their abilities. Weapon Size and Handedness Under this system base weapon size is determined by FDC. This determines the number of extra hands and/or levels of growth needed to use the weapon. Thus, a size 0 weapon may be used in one hand by an average sized person, but that same person needs two hands to use a size +1 weapon, and could not use a size +2 weapon at all. However, an ogre with 1 level of growth would be able to use a size +1 weapon in one hand, and could use a size +2 weapon if he used both hands. (I've dispensed with the idea of "hand-and-a-half" weapons as confusing and unnecessary. Either you need two hands to use the weapon, or you don't.) Damage inflicted by a weapon goes up by one FDC for every 5 points of STR over the STR min, up to a maximum of double the FDC. A 17 STR warrior could inflict 1.5d6K with a broadsword, but only 1d6 with a dagger. (A weapon with an FDC of 0 cannot have its damage increased.) Using two hands to swing a weapon reduces the STR min of that weapon by 2, whether using two hands is required or not. So if a normal human were to use a size 0 weapon with both hands, the weapon's STR Min would be reduced by 2. STR Mins for both one- and two-handed use are listed for convenience, though in many cases one figure or the other will rarely be used. Some weapons, such as broadswords, have the "one hand only" limitation, which means that two hands cannot be used to wield the weapon unless the wielder has one or more levels of shrinking--a gelfling with one level of shrinking could then use a short sword (size 0) with both hands, reducing the STR Min to 7, but could not use a knife (size -2) with more than one hand. Furthermore, no one can effectively use a weapon that is more than two size levels smaller than they are--a giant with four levels of growth could not use ogre-sized or human-sized weapons. ---- The Weapon Chart For the most part this chart uses the same DC and bonuses of the weapons in 4th ed FH, with recomputed STR mins. Axes and Maces and Hammers and Picks STR Min Weapon OCV Range Dmg Stun L Sz 1h 2h Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great Axe +0 - 2d6K +0 M +1 16 14 Battle Axe -1 - 2d6K +0 M +1 13 11 Large Axe +0 - 2d6-1K +0 M +1 14 12 Francisca +0 0 1.5d6K +0 M 0 13 11 throw Hand Axe +0 0 1d6+1K +0 M 0 10 8 throw, 1h only Hatchet +0 - 1d6K +0 M 0 8 6 throw, 1h only Mattock +0 - 2d6K +1 M +1 18 16 pen Maul +0 - 1.5d6K +1 M 0 14 12 pen War Hammer -1 - 1d6+1K +1 M 0 9 7 pen Large Hammer +0 - 1d6+1K +1 M 0 12 10 pen Hammer +0 0 1d6K +1 M 0 11 9 throw, pen Small Hammer +0 - 1d6-1K +1 M -1 8 6 pen Great Mace +0 - 2d6K +0 M +1 16 14 Morningstar -1 - 1.5d6K +0 M 0 9 7 Large Mace +0 - 1.5d6K +0 M 0 12 10 Small Mace +0 - 1d6K +0 M 0 7 5 1h only Great Pick +0 - 1.5d6K +0 M 0 16 14 AP Military Pick -1 - 1d6+1K +0 M 0 11 9 AP Large Pick +0 - 1d6+1K +0 M 0 14 12 AP Pick +0 - 1d6K +0 M 0 12 10 AP Small Pick +0 - 1d6-1K +0 M -1 10 8 1h only, AP Troll Hand Axe +0 - 2.5d6K +0 M +2 20 18 Ogre Axe +0 - 2d6+1K +0 M +2 18 16 Swords and Knives STR Min Weapon OCV Range Dmg Stun L Sz 1h 2h Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great Sword +1 - 2d6-1K +0 M +1 18 16 Bastard Sword +0 - 1.5d6K +0 M 0 12 10 Falchion +1 - 1.5d6K +0 M 0 15 13 1h only Broadsword +1 - 1d6+1K +0 M 0 13 11 1h only Scimitar +0 - 1d6+1K +0 M 0 9 7 1h only Sabre +1 - 1d6K +0 M 0 11 9 1h only Shortsword +1 - 1d6-1K +0 M -1 9 7 1h only Dirk +0 - 1d6-1K +0 S -1 5 3 1h only Dagger +1 0 0.5d6K +0 S -1 7 5 throw, 1h only Stiletto +1 - 0.5d6K +0 S -1 10 8 AP, 1h only Knife +1 0 1d2K +0 S -2 5 3 throw, 1h only Pocketknife +1 - 1d2K +0 S -2 4 2 1h only Knitting Needle +0 - 1K +0 S -2 -1 -3 1h only Spears and Polearms STR Min Weapon OCV Range Dmg Stun L Sz 1h 2h Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Javelin +0 0 1d6K +0 L 0 10 8 throw Harpoon +0 0 1.5d6K +0 L 0 14 12 throw Small Spear -1 0 1d6+1K +0 L 0 9 7 throw Medium Spear -1 0 1.5d6K +0 L 0 11 9 set Long Spear -1 - 2d6-1K +0 L3 +1 15 13 set Trident -1 0 2d6K +0 L +1 13 11 throw, rdcd pen Halberd +0 - 2d6K +0 L +1 18 16 set, unhorse Glaive +0 - 2d6K +0 L +1 18 16 set Voulge +0 - 2d6-1K +0 L +1 16 14 set, unhorse Bardiche -1 - 2d6K +0 L +1 14 12 Fauchard +0 - 2d6K +0 L +1 18 16 set Bill -1 - 2d6-1K +0 L +1 13 11 unhorse Ranseur -1 - 2d6K +0 L +1 15 13 set Partisan -1 - 1d6K +0 L 0 11 9 set, AP Military Fork +0 - 1.5d6K +0 L 0 12 10 set, rdcd pen Bec de Corbin -1 - 2d6-1K +0 L +1 12 10 Lucern Hammer -1 - 1.5d6K +0 L3 0 15 13 set, AP Pike -1 - 2d6K +0 L3 +1 15 13 set Awl Pike -1 - 1d6+1K +0 L3 0 13 11 set, AP Scythe +0 - 2d6-1K +0 L 0 15 13 Pitchfork -1 - 1.5d6K +0 M 0 7 5 rdcd pen Sharp Stick +0 - 0.5d6K +0 M -1 4 2 Brownie Spear +0 0 1d2K +0 S -2 2 0 throw Flails STR Min Weapon OCV Range Dmg Stun L Sz 1h 2h Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle Flail +0 - 2d6K +0 M +1 17 15 flail Military Flail -1 - 2d6-1K +0 M +1 12 10 flail Large Flail +0 - 1.5d6K +0 M 0 13 11 flail Bladed Flail +0 - 1d6+1K +0 M 0 11 9 flail Flail +0 - 1d6K +0 M 0 9 7 flail War Flail +0 - 1d6+1K +1 M 0 12 10 flail Large War Flail +0 - 1.5d6K +1 M 0 14 12 flail Discussion: Most of the weapons come down around the Str Mins listed in 4th ed, with a little more variation. As stated above I've deliberately made hammers and flails more effective as I found that they were rarely used. This damage scheme slightly nerfs one-handed weapons and boosts two-handed weapons in the 15-20 STR range--falchions now do 2d6-1K at STR 20 while a battle axe does 2d6+1K. Again, I find this to be a good thing as in my experience players were loath to give up the ability to use a shield or second weapon for the single additional DC a two-handed weapon would give in 4th ed. The question of how many hands a large creature needs to swing a large weapon is also addressed. There's still a bit of granularity at the very botton of the STR chart, but the situation there is still better than it was before, allowing more weapon options for brownies and windlings.
  3. Old Man

    SF Rant

    I think you're right, but I also think that it's "hard" science's fault for not being more supportive of space opera. Probably the biggest problem with physics, from the writer's perspective, is the nigh impossibility of interstellar travel, Alcubierre notwithstanding. Damn physics. Why can't everything work classically?
  4. Sheffield must be the Florida of the UK. I wonder what would have happened if someone has squeezed the handle on the extinguisher.
  5. Man, I would love to get a visit from the job fairy about now. Seriously though, my luck has to run out sometime. I'm probably going to have to put the house on the market after the holidays.
  6. What's Blackadder? Is that one of those weird European things?
  7. Is that anything like Independence Day? Can we get Bill Pullman to give an inspiring speech?
  8. Laid off! Again! (This is the fourth time since 2010, for those of you keeping track.)
  9. Clog the toilets, unscrew the lid to the pepper shaker, put all the soda in the freezer, steal all the underwear.
  10. What gets really fun is when you mix healing with hit location.
  11. I'm especially annoyed because weather prevented me from seeing it before its kamikaze run.
  12. Time to rock the boat. Will I be thrown overboard as a result?
  13. Old Man

    SF Rant

    Mobile Infantry was clearly Army/Marines. The movie seemed to go with Navy as the model for ship command, and there was even an inter-service brawl.
  14. Old Man

    SF Rant

    USAF special forces is the pararescue jumpers (PJs). There are other types of operators under AFSOC like the air liaison officers, but only the PJs are extreme the way SEALS or Delta are.
  15. This is Peter the Great we're talking about. He certainly could.
  16. Well, in his defense, the Russians up to that point were *so* bad that the campaign played out like an accidental, strategic rope-a-dope.
  17. Poltava was Charles' fault, not the Russians'. Throughout the entire campaign the latter were the picture of a minimally competent army, led by a czar who would probably have benefited greatly from therapy if not psychotropic drugs. The only way Charles could have lost would have been to get overconfident and march his army way far away from any logistical or military support, delegate command to obviously incompetent subordinates, and launch a frontal assault against fortified lines at three to one odds. So that's what he did.
  18. Dr. Proto: Would rather die than be a father figure to anyone. Stark Raving: Agrees, then probably gets 'sidekick' killed in one of many berserker furies. Pinball: Agrees, but the biker-bar lifestyle probably isn't the best environment for any kid. Ken Lightning: Agrees, sells 'sidekick' on black market for parts. (Shadowrun) The Spartan: Sometimes the jokes write themselves, you know?
  19. I miss that 4-corners map. We played so many fights on it that I used to have it memorized, to the point where I knew how many hexes it was from this door to that lamppost, and so on. I wonder where I could get a copy.
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