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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. What a lunatic. I would never do get caught doing that.
  2. Brian Boitano comes out as gay Shocking, I know.
  3. それは明らかではないか。彼は単なるテキストを見て、質問に答えることができたではないか。実際にテキストを読むことができるようにしなく決定するのに十分それは容易ではないですか?我々は、すべては、多かれ少なかれちょうど私達が、できません見て、スウェーデン語や中国語を識別することができますか?
  4. Perhaps the government team should be contracted out then. Because contractors are so much more efficient than the government.
  5. Dunno who's training over the hill behind my house today, but they have an interesting variety of hardware. Some real large caliber stuff in addition to the usual 5.56mm and grenades. Probably at least one M14/SCAR-H and, judging by the rate of fire, an M60. edit: And now something with a higher ROF, maybe a SAW. Just as long as they keep their stuff on their side of the hill...
  6. 世界で何をしても話をしている?
  7. You know, I was always kind of impressed by the work Henson & Co. did with their puppetry. Then I read a couple of articles on exactly how they did it, and ever since then I've been blown away.
  8. Is it okay if I admit that I never really cared for Pink Floyd?
  9. Didn't I specify L. Marcus, not just anyone?
  10. So Pluto and Godzilla are related? Now it all makes sense!
  11. Do you not like sermons or something? Don't like people telling you what to do, what to think?
  12. Growth appears to be exponential, doubling approximately every 30 years...
  13. Upper radiator hose shouldn't be too bad in terms of cost or difficulty. The last time I lost a radiator hose I was lucky enough to have a six pack of bottled water in the car; I only had to pull over twice to top off on the way to the shop. Apparently the motor oil from the leaking head gasket isn't good for hoses.
  14. For once the comments below an online news story are worth checking out.
  15. I see what you're saying, but there has to be at least a common starting point for new players in the main book. It doesn't have to be a fully fleshed out setting--frankly I think it's more important for there to be a playable adventure in the rulebook than a setting. But at the same time that adventure ought to be droppable into many different campaigns as well, so players can start there and continue in a variety of campaigns. That means that the sub-setting the scenario is in would have to be relatively generic, including templates for the usual fantasy races and a prebuilt spell list.
  16. Hmm, maybe I should send the satellite operators a note and see if they can get me to lose some weight.
  17. 1st ed FH had monetary cost as a limitation. If a spell cost 2 gp worth of something every time you cast it, I think it was a -1. Shouldn't be too hard to extrapolate that into item creation. Sort of depends on the value of money in the campaign though.
  18. And yet you still can't pick up FH and play a campaign in a few minutes. The critical piece that's always been missing for FH is the adventures.
  19. The best. Or the worst. Depending on your ability to employ basic grammar.
  20. Turakian was simultaneously generic and unsupported, so it didn't really help with either differentiation or the learning curve. It's a good setting though.
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