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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Are you confusing me with Psybolt? Wait--am I awake, or dreaming?
  2. The graphic in the OP reminds me a lot of Green Lantern's power suite, to be honest.
  3. When was the last time we had an election anyway? I can't even remember who the current one is.
  4. Maybe not, but they have marketing and recruitment down.
  5. I hear you barking. Were it not for the kids I'd have blown up my life years ago and started over, elsewhere, with a clean sheet of paper.
  6. Checked my phone when we got home, just in time for a Hubble flyover. Kids got to see it too.
  7. I read that. Good book, kind of hard on the characters though. I liked Novik's alternate Africa.
  8. The five year old can now ride without training wheels.
  9. The Sochi Figure Skating Championships are only a month away. I hear there might be some other winter sports played around the same time.
  10. But the year doesn't end after June!
  11. This is actually really huge; I don't know why it isn't getting more attention in the traditional media. That's a picture!! Of a planet outside our solar system!!
  12. What makes you think he can be killed in the first place?
  13. I wonder how well that line is doing. Like you I would assume that standard NERF weaponry are pretty unisex. But that said, you'd think that Lego would be the same way, yet I am hearing that Lego's "Friends" line of purple-box, socia-play-oriented, female-targeted sets are doing quite well after decades of Lego trying and failing to increase their female customer base. (Belville, anyone?) Did Lego come to girls, or did girls finally come to Lego? I have to admit I have no idea. And also, have you seen NERF weapons nowadays? Full auto, clip-fed machine guns and sniper rifles? Where was this stuff thirty years ago?
  14. The urinary tract is usually the first thing to go for cats. If it's not some obstruction or infection, it's the kidneys. Sorry about that situation, it's never easy putting a family pet down.
  15. Old Man

    SF Rant

    I think you should write that novel. From the standpoint of space combat, I think real life technology has reached a point where the hard part is figuring out how to keep your characters alive for more than a few milliseconds once the shooting starts. Nukes, directed energy weapons of various kinds, extremely high velocity kinetic penetrators, nerve agents, small form factor explosives, microdrones, guided small arms, precision guided munitions, omnipresent surveillance, all aimed and coordinated by computer near-intelligences in an environment of hard vacuum and microgravity--good luck, Flash.
  16. Old Man

    SF Rant

    There's energy weapons and there's energy weapons. It looks like vehicle-mounted energy weapons will be deployed on a limited basis within the next decade or so. But they'll be limited to relatively soft targets that can be easily tracked--aircraft and projectiles. Man-portable energy weapons, or mounted energy weapons that can be trained quickly, or that can defeat armor, are still a long way off.
  17. We just got hailed on. I have never, ever been hailed on here before. It used to never happen.
  18. Me too, although we're setting the bar kind of low.
  19. What is this "symbol-minded" stuff? You sure you don't mean "simple-minded"?
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