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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Conversely I also wish Hero Games had kept up with their own CU IP. I know Flare and the other Champions books by Eclipse met with limited success, but there's still a lot of untapped potential in the characters that Hero still owns. (And I would kill for a comic based on Strike Force, too.)
  2. Definitely going to have to keep an eye out for that. I love the Shadowrun background but the system encouraged such incredible in-game stupidity...
  3. Falkenstein would be perfect, if only because I've always wanted to play a Falkenstein campaign but never got to. Shadowrun would be another good one, god what a terrible system. I know there have been previous attempts to make the conversion, but I don't think there's anything current. Anima would be another one, for power level reasons.
  4. Could you guys excuse me for a few minutes?
  5. Katy Perry could probably pull off a decent cover of Thunderstruck or You Shook Me All Night Long. Wearing tight leather.
  6. Well then, whose job is it to know these things?
  7. Some funny, some neat, all spoilered for animation or language or both.
  8. Would you like to bully him too? Do we have to be exclusive?
  9. Speaking of peace and quiet, why can't people leave me the hell alone? Is reading my extended Chinese horoscope going to find me another job, or is it just going to delay my response to potential employers on the east coast? Right? So why don't you shut the hell up already?
  10. Don't you remember that I got canned two weeks before Christmas and am still unemployed?
  11. I'd like to, but the stadium is booked.
  12. It's too bad, Berzerk gets you more points and sets up more interesting combat situations too.
  13. Would you say that's an Enraged, or more like a Berserk?
  14. But competition, because Amurrica!
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