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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Well get on it, scientist guy. While you're at it, I'd like a lightsaber too. Lightsabers are badass. Oh, and a point-of-view gun from HHGTTG. That would certainly be useful. And finally, one of these.
  2. Seriously what is it with bath salts and gouging eyes/eating faces? Why do you humans have to be like that?
  3. Is there a War Tribble? Or a Famine Tribble?
  4. I think it reached NSFW a while back and kept going.
  5. Drops? Your eyes are on fire. I would have used a firehose. Or maybe an extinguisher.
  6. Low PRE is what I was thinking, and perhaps low EGO. Left to their own devices they'd be fairly benign, but they'd be susceptible to peer pressure or bullying, or could otherwise be easily convinced to turn heel.
  7. "In that secret cave in the bowels of Voormithadreth . . . abides from eldermost eons the god Tsathoggua. You shall know Tsathoggua by his great girth and his batlike furriness and the look of a sleepy black toad which he has eternally. He will rise not from his place, even in the ravening of hunger, but will wait in divine slothfulness for the sacrifice."
  8. I don't get that impression. I do get the sense that Hero, and Champions in particular, could benefit from better exploitation of the fiction IP in the Champions universe. Why does Champions not have its own comic book? Makes no sense. At least a webcomic should be doable. But I don't know how any of that plays with the old Heroic characters, or who has what rights after the Champions Online deal.
  9. Kepler rises from the ashes!
  10. FWIW the handling of IP and licensing and allowing/denying third party support is something RPG publishers never seem to get right. How many games had, or have, weird IP licensing arrangements that prevent new publication and strangle the line?
  11. Youth and flaming eyes are no match for old age and treachery.
  12. Old Man

    Babylon 5

    Ah, but which DS9? Pre-Dominion War or Dominion War?
  13. Old Man

    Babylon 5

    I actually have to say that I found none of the women on B5 to be unusually attractive. They're all pretty enough but not so much that it was why I made an effort to watch the show. Same goes for STTNG and DS9 and Voyager. Either BSG was better for eye candy purposes.
  14. Star Frontiers was relatively generic space opera, but it had little quirks that I always liked. Like the way you can dial up a laser pistol or rifle to empty the power pack in one massive shot, and the almost total absence of high technology other than spacecraft.
  15. No tribble could be worth that. They're nothing but pests. I admire the owner's persistence but I have to wonder what that does to the resale value of her home.
  16. Finally got around to trying Apple Pages (the Mac answer to Microsoft Word) and... I may never use Word again. I'm actually kicking myself for putting up with Word for so long.
  17. So we can test the hypothesis using the Bieber method as proposed above. Make haste! As for the Pluto 'controversy', science isn't science if we start making exceptions. If Pluto is a planet then so is Eris for certain, and it becomes an exercise in arbitrary hairsplitting to exclude Chiron, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, Sedna, and Orcus, as well as an unknown number of other largish Oort cloud members. It is more useful to give these smaller icy bodies their own category.
  18. Do they not have short buses in the Third Wirld where L. Marcus lives?
  19. My bad, thought I was in the other thread?
  20. Dark Sun is pretty easy--not trivially so but we pretty much did it on the fly back in the nineties. Gamma World is another good one, there's a pretty wide power level range there too.
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