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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. So DC really doesn't publish many new characters then.
  2. When you get to be my age, it comes with Stretching.
  3. If I wanted a phone without a camera, where would I get one?
  4. I had to look up who Ice and Donna Troy were. It's interesting, my impression was that DC rarely instantiated new characters in their books, compared to Marvel. Is that a mistaken assumption? I hardly follow DC.
  5. But Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call if you are unable to speak?
  6. What did he give you? Poetry? Music? Herpes?
  7. As in 'choose' or 'select'. English, do you speak it?
  8. Looks like the only female White Lanterns are Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, and Ice.
  9. That's true, the books were unusually non-homophobic given the time they were written. Legolas/Gimli, Aragorn/Boromir, and especially Frodo/Sam were all rather affectionate towards one another.
  10. Oven died. Needs a new controller board. Just get a new one right? Nope, no longer manufactured. Even tried ebay. Oh well, buy the wife a new oven, right? Nope, it's a drop-in built into the counter, and it's a weird size--27" wide as opposed to the standard 30". They still make 27" ovens... the exact same model, for twice as much as what the standard ones cost. Options: 1) Pay $1200 plus install for an oven that was obsolete in the nineties. 2) Pay $800 for a new standard oven, plus $thousands to rebuild that part of the kitchen counter and surrounding cabinetry. 3) Attempt to fix the existing control board with a multimeter and a soldering iron and no idea what the exact problem is. What could possibly go wrong? 4) Live without an oven forever. 5) Burn the f_ing house down for the insurance money. Leaning toward 5) at the moment.
  11. Jade Rabbit KIA (hypothermia)
  12. Or the GM could just say that's how they are and not worry too much about modeling it exactly.
  13. Well get on it, scientist guy. While you're at it, I'd like a lightsaber too. Lightsabers are badass. Oh, and a point-of-view gun from HHGTTG. That would certainly be useful. And finally, one of these.
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