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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Brad Bird is involved in the Incredible sequel: http://io9.com/its-official-the-incredibles-is-getting-a-sequel-1546625487
  2. My bad--it wasn't a peregrine falcon, it was a snowy owl. The falcon was a couple of years prior and, though weak and injured, presumably lived.
  3. How many should the number of the tauntings be? Shall I not taunt four, nor two, except that I thence proceed to three?
  4. Parker is an unusual case; it's hard to think of another hero that's as Complicated as he is. But at the same time, he's far more interesting than heroes with few weaknesses or difficult personality traits, like Storm or Psylocke.
  5. Yeah, we had a peregrine falcon show up here a couple of years ago. It was promptly shot. :/
  6. Performing an image search for "Power Girl" is really interesting (and NSFW). Performing an image search for "Hitler" is kind of not (and still NSFW).
  7. Wouldn't you fall under the "everyone" clause, weirdo?
  8. Isn't this whole thread weird? And everyone who posts in it?
  9. Complications are built into Champions because they're a basic trope of the superhero genre. I can't think of any comic heroes that don't have disads, and in many cases the disads are what define them more than the power set. As such, as a GM I would probably not allow a character that didn't have complications--not because it's abusive, but because it's boring.
  10. I'd probably define it as a small VPP like you say, but I would watch that character like a hawk. A little magic can go a very long way in a fantasy campaign--setting things on fire, perfect disguises or distractions, and summoning zero-CP creatures can still be unbelievably useful, and the extreme versatility of a VPP doesn't help.
  11. Did someone say waves? In space?
  12. Not sure our Board of Regents has the competence to do even that. A criminal record does seem to be a prerequisite though. Can you apply? Have you embezzled, or maybe have a DUI or allegations of sexual harassment?
  13. This is especially funny because UH is currently looking for a university president. After the last one turned out to be incompetent and possibly crooked, and her predecessor was incompetent and definitely crooked. Not really holding out a lot of hope, although the interim guy is head of IT, actually knows what he's doing, and has an outside chance of winding up with the job by default.
  14. Who are you going to decapitate? Because as long as you're decapitating, I have a list.
  15. Are you calling him a punk? (also, after some digging, http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/25095-anybody-seenheard-from-rachel-or-kara/?hl=%2Banybody+%2Bseen+%2Bheard+%2Bfrom+%2Brachel+%2Bkara )
  16. Were you here for the Kara/Rachel drama, or are you blissfully unaware of that history?
  17. Superdrafts would probably be fine, but every time we have one I find myself going down rabbit holes reading up on this or that character. Suddenly an hour and a half has gone by and I've read up on Brother Voodoo, Doctor Strange, casting choices for Doctor Strange, and every variation of the Avengers when I was supposed to be doing a quick check on Iron Fist's secret ID.
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