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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Considering how his personal life went, I'd say that's pretty accurate.
  2. I want to play this so badly it makes my teeth hurt.
  3. I watch the PTWC site as it is most directly relevant to my situation. Looks like we'll be fine; there's an advisory out to make sure no one's in the water when any potential tsunami gets here at 3:30 in the morning. The PTWC guys are a very decaf bunch of people. I put in a firewall for them way back in the 20th century, and they didn't seem to mind at all when I inadvertently cut off all their telemetry for a few minutes. Their facility is also about 300 yards from the beach at an elevation of maybe six feet, too.
  4. ...and now I'm waiting to see if this magnitude-8 Chilean quake generated a tsunami. Seriously the Pacific rim was perfectly calm for about three decades, then Indonesia happened and ever since then it's like all hell broke loose (in geologic terms).
  5. Relative just went under the knife for some sort of kidney blockage--not a stone per se, AIUI. Not debilitating, but highly inconvenient what with the procedure, the overnight stay, the catheter, and the stent that has to be removed after a few days.
  6. March 2014 marked the first time in more than a decade that there were zero U.S. fatalities among American troops engaging in combat, according to numbers from the Department of Defense.
  7. I thought they had ultrasound for stubborn stones nowadays.
  8. I hear you barking, but let's see if we can get software manuals to contain correct information before we worry about things like logical layout or making them easy to read. And interfaces are another can of worms entirely. Interfaces are nearly always driven by ease of coding, not intuitivity (?) or workflow efficiency. I've seen quite a few examples of interfaces that were so bad they took longer to work with than the paper-based workflow they were replacing.
  9. I'd sell mine instantly for $450. But I'd cry when I put it in the mailbox.
  10. Yeah, even if he had some sanity when he started working there, how could he have any left by now?
  11. First China with the Spratlys, then Putin and the Ukraine, and now the Norks are acting up again? Seriously wtf?
  12. I'm dying to see the prenup on that one.
  13. FH has always been pretty schizophrenic about healing. Can you cast multiple heals on someone? Do they stack or do you just get the higher roll? What if you're using hit location? Is healing per wound or overall? What about general injuries like burns or poison?
  14. How does a 5d6N bokken come out to fifty active points? What am I missing?
  15. Have you tried throwing yourself at the ground and missing?
  16. Not a murder of crows?
  17. So the reason Erdogan is shutting down all the social media in his country is because of the leaked conversation about military operations in Syria. What an interesting area of the world Turkey is in nowadays.
  18. UFO sighted over Texas (no, really)
  19. Why do we have a letter C anyway? Isn't it redundant given that we already have K and S?
  20. I feel like that would strongly resemble Greek mythology. I'm going to have to go back and look at my 6th ed rules. I originally thought that Combat Luck didn't stack with physical armor and couldn't be bought at more than one level. For higher-powered campaigns I'd really be inclined to redefine Combat Luck as damage reduction rather than rPD. I put up with the rPD version because it's simpler, but once your typical DCs are up in the 9-10 range, I'd rather take a percentage off. That helps prevent sudden PC death but still allows for death of 1000 cuts. rPD in general has always been hard to balance in FH, mainly because the rPD values for different types of armor are inflexibly defined. For most of my FH experience, 8 rPD is really high, and half of the hits from 6-7 DC attacks just bounce off. In the OP's campaign, the 3.5d6K hits will do enough to bring that guy down in four hits, and possibly one. For the OP situation, I would probably do three things: One, redefine the typical rPD values for physical armor upwards a bit. Either because there's lots of magical armor floating around or because steel is just harder. Plate would go from 8 to 11, chain to 8, leather to 5, et cetera. Two, likewise improve Combat Luck probably up to the 5-6 rPD range. Like I said, I'm used to Combat Luck not stacking with physical armor, but YMMV. Three, dodge a lot.
  21. Google does, but the current movement in online education is really interesting. Khan Academy, Coursera, Udemy, Udacity, and iTunes U are all turning into pretty good ways for self-motivated learners to pick up certain subjects. It can't be as good as sitting in a room with Cancer and taking his diabolical exams, but it's cheaper, and there's only one Cancer (that I know of).
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