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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. You mean aside from your encounter with that sheep?
  2. Prototype Polish assault rifle system appears to be convertible from standard to bullpup layout: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.equipped.pl%2Fmsbs-556-bull-pup-live-fire-demo-fb-radom%2F&edit-text=
  3. Florida Woman strikes again! Topless, Florida Woman Wrecks McDonalds, Eats Soft Serve
  4. Sorry to be obtuse, but how does the +2 DC Offensive Strike add 6 DC (halved)?
  5. I ruined my right wrist pushing a mouse around for 80 hours a week for a month back in the nineties. My whole hand basically went numb except for my wrist, which hurt like hell. To this day I have to drive the mouse left handed, if I use my right hand it'll last about 20 minutes before it starts to tighten up again.
  6. You must be related to my wife.
  7. Old Man


    Fukushima is still happening, actually. It wouldn't bother me to play a game having to do with it, unless it was really, really in poor taste. But ymmv.
  8. Can we just leave the nazis out of this thread please?
  9. To be fair, BlueCloud, the "evil corporate overlords" also used their evil Terran technology to build paralyzed Sully a new elven smurf body at no charge, and to travel among the stars.
  10. Deservedly so! But what, exactly, is a "precision carpet bombing"?
  11. What are the astrological ramifications? Cancer? You're an astrologer right?
  12. I find that the dynamic at SPD 2-4, at heroic power levels, is really unbalanced, but your experience may be different.
  13. Or to put it another way, it determines how much the player gets to play.
  14. A whole new level of blood doping.
  15. Not Chaotic Greedy? Or Lawful Stupid?
  16. SPD is one of those mechanics that's really great for superheroic but unfortunately doesn't scale super well down at normal levels. When everyone's in the 6-8 range it's fine, but the difference between SPD 3 and SPD 4 is really dramatic. Obviously DEX is equivalent to reaction time in Hero, but I've often thought that it could be split up into separate components. And having read a lot of Bruce Lee, I think that reaction time specifically should probably involve INT somehow.
  17. Ninjas are more likely to work as part of an organization, whereas rogues are more likely to work for themselves (as opposed to a guild). Furthermore ninjas can have an element of the supernatural about them--leaping, clinging, faked death, superhuman endurance and pain resistance, enhanced senses, invisibility, and even teleportation are part of the legends.
  18. Osprey flying over the hills behind the house this morning. Talk about an unmistakable sound--the usual turboprop whine and rotor buzz, but also a really loud flapping sound, depending on the angle. Much larger in person, too. Never seen or heard one before IRL.
  19. Which one has aged better? Don't answer that.
  20. Isn't she a guy? Although I guess that would just make him a different kind of queen?
  21. They're not called "moobs" in Fight Club. Get better dude. Let me know if Winter Soldier is any good.
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