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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Wouldn't we rather Jennifer Garner not wear mens' clothes?
  2. Why would she constantly present herself as Jennifer Garner if she didn't want to be called "her"?
  3. Don't the Amish have smartphones now?
  4. Because their workers are much cheaper than ours. I'd like to think that as long as we have strong commercial ties with the Chinese, maybe that'll make it a bit less likely the shooting will start in Korea or Taiwan or the South China Sea. Might just be dreaming though.
  5. What you describe here is called "Normal Characteristic Maxima", and it does nothing to solve the problem. Not if a human can go from STR 10 to STR 20 in the space of four adventures. Or ever. "Exercising veto power" is usually equivalent to "Yes this rule is broken and you have to houserule it to fix it". In this instance though, I'm at something of a loss as far as better ways to solve it.
  6. Actually that reminds me of another thing about Hero character advancement--at heroic levels it's really easy for characters to go from competent normals to physical freaks of nature after a few adventures. Especially since STR is so cheap. That could make sense in supers but for pulp or modern campaigns it's really weird. Problem is I've never been able to think of ways to fix that. If you restrict stat advancement over the course of the campaign, players will load up on stats during initial character creation. But if you split out stats from skills/powers, it throws a real monkey wrench into certain character archetypes.
  7. Baby Bear said, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed, and she's still here!" Papa Bear took a bite out of Goldilocks. "This girl is too noisy," he said. Mama Bear took a bite out of Goldilocks. "This girl is too messy," she said. Baby Bear took a bite out of Goldilocks. "This girl is just right!" he exclaimed, and he ate her all up.
  8. You think you're not old just because I'm older than you, kid?
  9. Successful test of reactionless microwave drive by NASA
  10. Didn't realize you were that old, did you?
  11. What is this, the nineties? You know that was twenty years ago, right?
  12. I've often toyed with the idea of splitting up Dex myself, but I'd have split it roughly into Agility (gross motor) and Coordination (fine motor) which would have corresponded to DCV and OCV, respectively. Related skills like Breakfall and Lockpicking also fell into either bucket pretty cleanly. Either stat would have cost 2/pt, because I perceived Dex as being too cheap; this matches with my long held belief that Str should also cost 2/pt in fantasy. As for initiative, I once played a campaign where that was defined by Int + Dex (which we called Reaction, because there are already so many figured characteristics, what's one more?). Mainly to balance things a little better for the spellcasters.
  13. Gravity. This movie must have been fantastic in 3D. Even in mere HD in the living room it cured me of any desire to ever become an astronaut. Well, almost.
  14. Does that novel have a happy ending? Spoil it for me.
  15. Towards the end of 1999 it really felt like mankind had won the game. Dictatorial Communism was failing and the specter of nuclear annihilation had faded to almost nothing. Wars were infrequent and minor--even the Israelis and Palestinians had cooled it for a few years. Pollution had been solved, and the real implications of CO2 emissions weren't yet apparent. Renewable energy was starting to show some real potential. The world economy was skyrocketing. The Internet promised a new era of communication unimpeded by borders and censorship. And then it all went to s__t.
  16. Tsunamis higher than that have been recorded. Of course usually these are associated with landslides instead of earthquakes, but one could set off the other.
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