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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. What kind of job? I actually got the describe-yourself-in-three-words question in a job interview.
  2. What's the status on the job hunt, tkd? Found any openings for person-who-kicks-other-people-in-the-head?
  3. Rougher in some ways than the catheter, I imagine. Still, glad to have you back, CC.
  4. Here's a homegrown one: Alleged bank robbers post pictures of themselves with stacks of cash on Facebook
  5. Remind me never to have black skin in Missouri. Jesus.
  6. Which makes perfect sense. So players are thus incentivized to put all their points into stats at character creation, because it's easier to buy skills with XP. This is the problem I'm wrestling with.
  7. Wired's take at http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2014-08/07/10-qs-about-nasa-impossible-drive . I'm getting kind of annoyed with the whole subject. If the paper's abstract doesn't even match the content, what are we supposed to make of the supposed science?
  8. I have family members who are in a similar position. They struggle with it too, for a bunch of reasons.
  9. What? What were we talking about again?
  10. Well, looks like Iselle, which is an area effect attack, managed to just miss us, although there is still time for the blustery weather to knock over a power line somewhere. I'm kind of wiped--not because of lack of sleep really (though there was some of that) but because I've been preparing for the damn thing for days. Last night I was wishing the thing would just hit already. Kind of a useful storm in that it forced the team to get its disaster recovery plan together, and forced me to review the infrastructure. Got the UPS set up to text us if the power goes out. Even took advantage of the day off (for the rest of the staff) to do some quick maintenance that required downtime. Still don't know how to turn off a couple of things cleanly (*cough* ancient IBM DS3400s *cough*), but fortunately, they're not that critical.
  11. Telemarketer versus IT Admin Somebody buy that man a beer.
  12. Since he hasn't popped back in here after we called him a her, don't you think that's a bad idea? And aren't you ashamed of yourself?
  13. Whose idea was it to start posting pictures and youtubes in this thread?
  14. It does seem kind of obvious, but then again I've had plenty of facepalm-worthy miniatures projects of my own. Pine-Sol is your friend.
  15. Sorry man. I know you were expecting it but I don't know if that makes it any easier.
  16. I suppose there's no such thing as a well-timed tropical storm, but still.
  17. Nope. I don't expect the world's governments or anyone else to do anything about it though.
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