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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. All just savages dancing around the fire, calling to the spirits for rain.
  2. "The humans still have not developed telepathic communications and must use a primitive touchscreen device. Sneer. "
  3. Viking shields are probably the most versatile, IMO. Decent sized for mass combat or defense against projectiles, but the weight and grip are such that you can use it more actively, if not offensively.
  4. I wonder if I will ever learn to get out of my own way.
  5. Temporarily got my hands on a reasonably authentic Afghan shamshir with accompanying buckler about a month ago. Shamshir was oddly balanced, a little tip-heavy, with a pretty thick blade. Of course it's not quite clear where it lies on the scale between functional and decorative. But its edge was sharpened and I sure as hell wouldn't want to get hit with it. Buckler was the type with two grips and a knuckle pillow--it really forms an amazingly secure grip. I can see how that would be a preferred shield type in dueling, but in a mass melee I think I'd prefer something significantly larger. As for the Greeks, I think the aspis is far too heavy to use effectively as a weapon. Perhaps if the stars align and your opponent isn't ready for it, you could edge punch him.
  6. We always just used to play two characters at a time. If one died, it would be replaced next session. The replacement PC would take a 10xp hit but since it was being built all at once rather than in fits and starts with xp, it wasn't that much of a penalty.
  7. The Troy movie did all right.
  8. He was still a better bad guy than Count Dooku, who not only committed no on-screen atrocities*, he also didn't look scary, and he had a goofy name besides. If he weren't portrayed by Christopher Lee he'd have been one of the worst bad guys ever. * Except for maiming Anakin, which it could be argued was for the good of the audience.
  9. Going back to actual school is a pretty big commitment that's hard to make when you're looking for a job. This last time I was looking, I made a point of going to all the industry lunches and meetings I ought to have been going to in my line of work, and I also dabbled in some meetings for the local startup/VC community.
  10. 10. I'd like to set up some online income one of these days when I'm not getting laid off annually. 9. You'll stop worrying about this one day, but not until then. 7. My carpal tunnel is so bad I can't use a mouse with my right hand for more than 15 minutes. 6. 4. One of my engineers blew up his calf muscle going down stairs today. He's going to be in a cast for a month. 2. Descriptions like this are always totally inadequate even if they include race. White male age 35-45, 5'8" to 5'11", in a white t-shirt, driving a stolen white Toyota with stolen plates. 1. Yeah, f-k them.
  11. Write a book. Or kick someone in the head. I know! Kick someone in the head and write about it! More seriously, if you were thinking of a career change, any kind of class or seminar related to the target field would be a good idea. It would help alleviate the boredom, and might help with networking and resume-space-filling as well.
  12. Do you guys not have indigenous fast food?
  13. Sometimes it's the little things.
  14. Hobbyist converts red dot sight into heads-up display: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/08/19/custom-eotech-reticle-arduino-inside/
  15. Fools! Santa Claus is not a superhero.
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