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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. If that's the rule then you're right, I don't see any reason why melee fighters would not want to buy their STR up as high as possible.
  2. Isn't it impossible to score 14 points for that? Wouldn't you have to put at least one of the letters on a special square? And have you ever noticed that Scrabble squares are rectangular?
  3. To save time, just send me all your gaming stuff and valuable comics. For "safekeeping".
  4. It's bad enough that the weather has to be like this, but for the love of f__k please stop bitching about it.
  5. The very last time we did it (in an FH campaign), the GM set it up so that the leadership of the Keep was actually working with the evil priests in the Caves to build up a nonhuman army. So there were some instances of theft and sabotage while regrouping at the Keep, and then some documents in the evil priests' possession at the Caves that implicated people at the Keep. Then when the PCs returned, the gates were barred, and the PCs had to sneak in and confront the real baddies without killing too many of the innocent guards. Of course it was impossible to know which of the guards was in on the plan and which weren't...
  6. The guards in the keep didn't stand a chance in D&D. By the time you finished cleaning out the Caves the PCs were all level 5-6 and were like unto gods compared to normals with 3 hit points. Seriously they'd just blow the gates off their hinges with fireball and mosey in. FH was more even but I remember having to uprate some of the guards to enforcer level to make it more of a challenge. There was always the chance of a lucky hit dropping a PC but as long as they didn't try a frontal assault they'd probably be okay.
  7. Yeah, I didn't recognize half the entries on the list. I'm reminded of multiple choice exams where the correct answer is an acronym, and they put nonsense acronyms in there to throw you off.
  8. It is, and it is, and it is, and I don't.
  9. Lost track of how many times I ran Keep on the Borderlands. Also lost track of how many times we sacked the Keep itself after clearing out the caves.
  10. GotG was relatively long and his attention span is relatively short because he's, like, six. And I get the feeling that the Battle of Xandar takes up the last half hour of the movie, and comes right after the fight at Knowhere, which also had plenty of explosions. Mostly though, that particular kid's entertainment cortex is geared more towards humor than violence. Unlike his older brother.
  11. "I'm getting tired of all the explosions." --the 6 year old, who went with us to see Guardians of the Galaxy
  12. Where is the FB group? I too tend to only lurk on FB. The ownership issue doesn't bother me as much as the everything-you-post-is-readable-by-everyone aspect. But it'd be nice to keep up with everyone.
  13. Girl, what you are going through now, I went through a year ago. When I said good bye to her, I wept. She would really have been something. So I sympathize, a little. But only a little. Because it is your own damn fault.
  14. Mine would just ring nonstop, I think.
  15. Yes, they're very uncomfortable. ...or so L. Marcus tells me.
  16. That is certainly a craptastic situation, but it does seem like it should be possible to improve on living in a flooded, mouse-infested money pit in the middle of a field of weeds.
  17. So as it turns out, one of the victims of the leaked nude photos is Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney... who was underage at the time the photos were taken. Thus, anyone who disseminated those particular photos has now distributed child porn.
  18. So the moral of the story is, DO NOT TAKE PICTURES OF YOURSELF NAKED. Not that anyone would bother to leak mine, of course. Unless they wanted to drive people mad with horror.
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