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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. So I don't really follow video games, but #gamergate has apparently gotten so ugly that NPR had to cover it yesterday. My understanding is that some female industry journalists pointed out that mainstream video game culture is sexist and misogynistic, and mainstream video game culture rebutted that argument with rape and death threats serious enough to drive those women into hiding. Is that an accurate characterization?
  2. Interestingly Kirishima didn't seem to get the same upgrades that some of her sisters did. Kongo was of the same class but was much better armored. But many of Japan's battleships during the war were really, really old.
  3. By 1943 the Kirishima, laid down prior to WWI, was hopelessly underarmored in terms of both thickness and metallurgy. She had just enough armor to guarantee that armor-piercing shells would detonate, without being able to resist penetration. So when the Washington opened up on her at close range with 16" guns, she didn't really stand a chance. The shells easily penetrated her armored belt, some below the waterline, detonating in critical areas. By the second salvo she was already doomed.
  4. They'd have to do it somewhere besides Africa as I believe most of the direct flights have been suspended. Otherwise, nothing really. But I doubt it would spread as quickly here. It's much easier to get the word out and if a case of real Ebola showed up I bet the civilian population would be unusually needful of any government quarantine or curfew.
  5. If you guys will excuse me, I need a few minutes of alone time.
  6. So the Ebola outbreak is projected to reach anywhere from 550,000 to 1.4 million cases in the next four months. With a 70% mortality rate.
  7. I love dark matter. No one knows what it is, so it could be anything. Exotic particles. Exotic energy in the form of a yet-unobserved fifth force. A rounding error. A parallel universe. The souls of the fallen. Psionics. Love. Magic. Cthulhu. Why not?
  8. Have you people gone barking mad? How will we stem the flow of bad puns now?
  9. "Final" version of the Size Comparison Chart at http://dirkloechel.deviantart.com/art/Size-Comparison-Science-Fiction-Spaceships-398790051 . It's a large jpeg. I haven't found any omissions, and there are some sources in there that I don't recognize at all.
  10. They're not exactly good for the 3D glasses, though.
  11. I have fond memories of being shot at with an MSG-90 (airsoft version). Friend of mine had one; its firing mechanism was the equivalent of closed bolt for airsoft, which was highly unusual at the time. I was struck by how long and heavy that gun was, and it wasn't even real steel.
  12. Meanwhile, people are frantically trying to figure out how to reengine the Atlas V. It may not be possible.
  13. Is there anything right with Scientologists?
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