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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I am sick and tired of Benebatch Cumberdinck. He's a great actor, but seriously, take a vacation or something dude.
  2. You're going to make me google that, aren't you?
  3. Or put your superweapon through a more rigorous testing program. Supervillains, I tell you. Always cutting corners. Pahoa's screwed.
  4. "So the villagers have never been in this dungeon." "How do you know?" "Because the dungeon is full of zombies and villagers don't like zombies." "Why don't they like zombies?" "The zombies come and attack the villagers, and turn them into zombies." "Why don't the villagers attack the zombies and turn them into villagers?" "Because it works like in real life, where the zombies eat the villagers' brains." "Oh. Okay."
  5. Don't you know I can't handle complicated game systems?
  6. Dive for Cover. It worked for me.
  7. On the Internet, nobody knows you're a werewolf, right?
  8. I have a special place in my heart for car thieves, having had my own stolen once. Hope they catch the bastard. Try to remember everything that was in the car too. The worst part is going to be the possibility of identity theft.
  9. Does it mean I get a shot at Kristen Stewart?
  10. @Vurbal: Did you survive the knee manipulation? @tribble: It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
  11. I haven't either, but since it's Crichton I reckon the book has two-dimensional characters and an anti-science theme.
  12. Hey, can you shoot me that link when you get a chance? From what research I've done into the Lockheed-Martin project, there seems to be some deliberate ambiguity built in to the technical information that has so far been released. Which makes sense from an intellectual property perspective. It doesn't help us from an is-this-another-military-industrial-complex-boondoggle perspective, though. It looks as though the containment configuration they have can work, perhaps with a small amount of leakage, but I still don't see how they're going to make it all work at the proposed scale. The magnets will have to be shielded from the neutron flux, and the only way you can stop neutrons is with thick masses of water, lithium, or beryllium. There just isn't space for that in the diagram.
  13. Update: head of IT wound up with the job by default. Faculty is on the verge of mutiny. Now, back to the jokes. (Cancer, you should have applied.)
  14. Dude what the hell? Do I go around revealing your secret ID? Don't you know what would happen if word got out?
  15. You know those mustache hairs on your upper lip? The ones right up against the bottom of your nose? How do you guys shave those? Is there an easy way to do that, or does it just suck?
  16. Siri actually manages to piss me off more than my wife does. This is no mean feat.
  17. Repeatedly. Supposedly we speak the same dialect of American, yet what he have here is failure to communicate.
  18. It was shut down in the nineties so I expect they probably did a pretty good job. It's the ranges that were shut down in the seventies, or earlier, that you really have to watch out for.
  19. As opposed to Japanese, which uses different sets of numbers depending on the shape of whatever it is you're counting.
  20. Lead poisoning is a major threat at America’s shooting ranges, perpetuated by owners who’ve repeatedly violated laws even after workers have fallen painfully ill We may have to create a new thread.
  21. Who taught you to read if it wasn't Morgan Freeman?
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