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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Don't you realize that all pros practice almost daily? Is BC also the sick squirrel or is that aylwin?
  2. The squirrel with the motion sickness? Or the Wiccan?
  3. Is L. Marcus just posting questions at random now without even trying to fit them into the context of the discussion at hand?
  4. We've had fire ants for a long time. For some reason they're not as commonplace as they are, like, everywhere on the mainland. We also recently acquired what are called "little fire ants", which I guess are pretty much what the label says, although I have yet to actually encounter any. Supposedly they're like a cross between regular fire ants and drop bears. Have you seen these dudes that go around filling fire ant nests with molten aluminum?
  5. Right. Mostly I get paper wasps, which I have run afoul of in the past, mainly because they built their nest in a stupid location. They are the reason I have wasp spray at hand. However they are relatively docile if you don't blunder directly into their nest. These yellow jackets, on the other hand, were highly aggressive, attacking my neighbor for the crime of walking past their rock wall. Wasps in general I terminate with extreme prejudice, but these yellowjackets especially needed to die. At least it wasn't a huge nest--at least I don't think it was. I read stories of nests with hundreds or thousands of flying arsedagger-wielding insectoid bastards.
  6. Fire extinguisher: Expensive and messy. (Not messy in a good way either.) Flamethrower That Throws Flames: I seriously considered this. Or more accurately, I considered the blowtorch+carb cleaner version. However, the nest was actually in my neighbor's rock wall, in close proximity to his plastic fence. (Technically it wasn't my problem, but my other neighbor, who was dealt a stinging defeat at the hands arses of the yellowjackets, complained to me because my neighbor wasn't home.) So I opted for the wasp spray, for the lower risk of unintended consequences as well as the superior range. It occurs to me that I should see if the wasp spray is flammable at all. Oh god that would be perfect--a high velocity stream of burning neurotoxin.
  7. Yeah, I was fresh out of liquid nitrogen at the time. Really need to get to the market. Interestingly, while the yellow jackets' strong defensive position prevented me from knowing the full strength of their forces or the percentage of casualties I inflicted, it also created a choke point that stopped them from deploying effectively. Had they been able to do so, their superior maneuverability, numbers, and arsedaggers might have inflicted a crushing and humiliating defeat. Instead, despite their high morale and determination, I was able to defeat their forces in detail with little risk to my own assets.
  8. Yellow jackets. Half a can of wasp spray. Was it enough?
  9. We like to use a 1" : 1" scale, to simplify conversions as much as possible. Of course we have to model characters as occupying thousands of hexes, and any hit location is DCV3, but there are always tradeoffs.
  10. My skin flakes like snow Heat intensifies within Lotion masks the lines
  11. Don't you think that's kind of harsh for little kids, no matter how poorly behaved?
  12. Civil War was phenomenal!!! Can't wait to see it on the big screen and become more real to most people than lame snake stuff! I'm totally kidding. Never read Civil War; have no idea what the fuss was about. How much money is about to be sunk into the Marvel lineup? What is this, like twelve films at $100M each?
  13. Either that or the sex is going to be really, really kinky.
  14. I would. I know Brian Johnson's voice is a dealbreaker for many, but behind it is some truly outstanding blues rock that has no business coming out of Australia. That was almost as weird as Iggy Azalea is today.
  15. Remember back when we used to have to take pictures of our lunches with film cameras, get the film developed and prints made, and mail them to our friends via snail mail?
  16. I have a relative whose knee surgery is literally scheduled almost a year out.
  17. You know, that's a tough call. On the one hand, it's a roleplaying game, and much of the fun is in playing out the social interactions. On the other hand, you know what I suck at? Social interactions. Specifically, things like negotiation, or intrigue, or drawing information out of people--things that characters in fiction tend to be pretty good at. So I could see where it would be useful to have a system to simulate these types of interactions. That said, I have no idea how to go about simulating such interactions. Even haggling seems almost impossibly complex to try and model. Don't even get me started on politics.
  18. If they're on the horizon, then we have a little time to gather weapons and prepare basic fortifications before they arrive.
  19. If sorcery requires many materials and foci, then that would seem to encourage a lot of pockets; hence jackets and coats. I also note that the 'stereotypical' wizard is often attired in garments that bear glyphs and runes of some significance. So now we're talking about jackets and other pieces that are heavily decorated, with a lot of flair. Furthermore, depending on the type of magic, jewelry and tattoos may also play a large role. Tattoos nowadays aren't even unusual so there's no reason for wizards to need to hide them, except perhaps from people who might understand their true significance. So we're looking for people who are heavily tatted and pierced, with layers of clothes that can conceal items and/or are covered with mystic runes or talismans. Which to me means bikers, punk rockers, possibly gangbangers, or perhaps hipster douchebags. You're welcome. Oh, and in about six years when grunge comes back, that look will fit in pretty well too.
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