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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Just lucky I guess? I wonder, would I rather have had snow than three near-misses by hurricanes this year?
  2. In a runaway-train-with-no-brakes sense, yes.
  3. Is there anyplace that didn't get snowed on this week?
  4. TIL that to make buckskin leather, you take off the deer's skin, smear the deer's brain all over it, and then smoke it.
  5. It sounds cool, but once you pull it off you'll find it's overrated. Being the sun is intensely boring and on top of that you have to keep to a strict schedule.
  6. NPR pointed out yesterday that the Keystone XL issue is somewhat moot since the tar sands oil is currently being transported by rail to Vancouver and thence to China.
  7. I'd be more optimistic if it was LexCorp instead of Lockheed Martin. I followed this for a little while after the initial announcement. The fusion community is skeptical based on what information has so far been released, but it's not impossible that LM has come up with some novel configuration or other development that is being deliberately withheld for reasons of IP. It does appear that they plan to use a hybrid geometry that combines cusps with magnetic mirrors, but it would require superconducting magnets that can survive close proximity to the plasma, which to my understanding is impossible. http://news.sciencemag.org/physics/2014/10/lockheed-looks-partners-its-proposed-fusion-reactor-0 http://talk-polywell.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5643&view=unread#p117159
  8. Probably, but do they also know about your predilection for [redacted]?
  9. Who wants to hear my fetishes? Anyone?
  10. It's also important to remember that touring is usually the most lucrative source of income for the band. Used to be that the record label got a huge percentage of album sales. Now that percentage goes to Apple or Spotify. The money that the band gets from live gigs is pretty much all theirs, after covering the staff and venue costs of course. I'm philosophical about concerts. I like songs, not necessarily bands, and often the recorded version of the song is impossible to play live for some reason or other. But a concert can have spontaneity and audience participation that a recording cannot. It's a shared experience--moshing at home isn't quite the same, you know?
  11. Best concert I ever went to. Metallica and Rage were good but an arena can never be as good as a filthy warehouse with a stage and chain link fencing off the bar. kd lang was pretty good except for the sound; she spent the whole concert avoiding feedback. That one almost turned violent. I got dragged to a reggae concert that actually did turn violent--it got shut down and I had to hustle my gf at the time out of there before we got caught up in it. Caught Mavis Staples a couple months ago; she was great but her backing musicians were phenomenal. They did this twenty minute jam session mid-concert, presumably while Ms. Staples caught her breath, that was unreal. What thread is this again?
  12. Why is everyone a sock puppet of mine? Why can't I be the sock puppet for once?
  13. The commander of the heavies is the only personality capable of directing a small horde of angry drunken dwarves; when the defenders take him out no one among the heavies is left with any tactical sense (or sense of any kind) and the PCs must move in to lead small contingents of dwarves in critical scouting, flanking, and infiltration tasks.
  14. The only one of those things I can help with is the laptop. How exactly is it dead?
  15. Indeed, virtually instantaneous resupply and reinforcements would be a huge advantage. While the attackers could be hungry, tired, and underequipped. Any harassment the defenders could muster would be much more effective.
  16. What redeeming human qualities do the people in this thread have?
  17. Who said anything about gay? Are you projecting again?
  18. Mud is what did the heavy infantry in at Agincourt. Rain helped kill the legions in the Teutoburg. More generally, heavy infantry gets picked apart by archers or overwhelming numbers of lightly armored fighters, and are mainly useful as part of a combined arms force that can prevent them from being outflanked or ambushed.
  19. I don't really care which, can you just tell me where it is? Especially after a day like today?
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