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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. No, he means take a picture of a microlight.
  2. So you can't control your flaming eye power? See, mutants are dangerous!
  3. Armed with Skittles, no less! And toy swords! Can you imagine if a cop took a Skittle to the face? He might actually have to taste the thing!
  4. The last time I ran a VPP character I wrote up four pages of powers to refer to in game so I wouldn't have to do the math. VPPs were way overpowered in 4th.
  5. Probably not the general attitude of all police, no. But it's pretty clear at this point that too many police automatically view black people as criminals and react as such. White people walk around with assault rifles as some sort of macho political statement and they might get questioned by police. Black kids walk around with toy guns, or a box of cigarillos, or a bag of Skittles, and get gunned down.
  6. "So what is Groot, anyway?" "He is Groot." "Yes, but what is he supposed to be?" "He is Groot." "Very funny."
  7. You should be. So the kids have moved on from watching TMNT. The new show of choice is the various Avengers cartoons on Disney (of course). What's cool is that there are so many of them. What sucks is that there's so many of them. Seriously there's a Hulk-only Avengers team, in which Hulk mostly seems kind of irritable. It was also fun seeing the wife's mind get blown when the GotG showed up on one of the shows.
  8. There are all kinds of things wrong with that video. If you're responding to what you think is an armed and dangerous individual, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to pull up within 15 feet and then get out of your vehicle. If you gun said individual down and then discover it's a kid with a toy gun, I'm pretty sure you should administer first aid or something. Not that I'm a cop, but, you know.
  9. Is something wrong with Google? How can I function if Google is broken?
  10. As someone who played airsoft for quite some time, I can say that our club was pretty militant about making sure members kept their replicas in a case unless we were at a field or at home, for exactly this reason. A cop who sees you waving what is designed to look exactly like a real gun around in public would be well within his rights to shoot you on sight. That said, what's damning about this particular incident is the police report. The responding officers originally claimed that they pulled up, talked to the kid for five minutes, and only opened fire when he became 'combative' and pointed the gun at them. Then the surveillance video was released that showed their story was pretty much a complete fabrication. If they didn't think they did anything wrong, why lie?
  11. Don't you just inject air into an IV to kill them with an embolism? ...Not that I would know about that kind of thing, of course.
  12. Rails is also good with Ruby. (Or so I hear, I don't get to do much development nowadays.)
  13. As much as I detest fracking for what it does to aquifers, it's fascinating to see the geoeconomic effects of the boom. Thanks largely to this development, the price of oil is crashing--the House of Saud is having to keep up production to maintain market share, and might actually increase production in order to price shale oil out of the market. (Shale is not that cheap to extract and it's possible that all the cost effective supply will be exhausted within a few years.) Meanwhile the crashing prices along with global sanctions and financial idiocy are destroying the ruble and the Russian economy along with it.
  14. Wow, I know I need to lose weight, but there's no reason to call me names. Geez.
  15. Railing against Rails? Doesn't that seem kind of counterintuitive?
  16. Isn't that a given? Or does Wednesday's panic attack count as cardio?
  17. I remember not applying for the UC schools because by the time I started looking to see when application deadlines were, theirs had already passed. If you want the canonical list of ways to screw up applying to college, let me know.
  19. It probably made Gillian Anderson happy too.
  20. People have been known to fly to the mainland, buy a car there, and have it shipped back as the cheaper option. Dealer markup here is ludicrous. Otherwise we get a lot of military types shipping their cars out from wherever when they get transferred here. I imagine those might have ice scrapers. I remember going to the mainland on business once and finding an ice scraper on the dash of the rental. I was like "what the hell is this thing?" I think that was the Boston trip.
  21. Someone has to kill the predators before they kill the young, fit, and stupid?
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