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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Where do they think their students come from? I knew dozens of people in college who dropped out of nursing or engineering because of the math and switched to english or psych.
  2. Once everyone was watching, I adjusted my grip on the football, wound up, and threw, putting as much whip into the throw as possible. It crossed the food court instantly in a line drive and bounced off the table directly in front of a middle-aged woman before she could react. I mumbled an apology as I ran past to retrieve the ball. It was stupid, showing off my skills in such a public venue, but I had made my point.
  3. Usually I don't notice until I change the razor, then I'm always like "Whoa! Why did I wait so long to change this?" Followed by "Why is there so much blood?"
  4. What's incredible is that people are still apologizing for it. Once upon a time there was a country that, merely by existing, showed the world a better path through democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights. Now it's gone.
  5. Relatively speedy at least. Not sure about safe yet though.
  6. I think I've been using the same disposable razor for about a year. Once in a while I'll use shaving cream if I can remember to buy some.
  7. Upon further reflection I think War Hero could cover any time period involving a modern army structure--from the present going back to the 19th century. The sweet spot would be WWII-era commando actions like the Dirty Dozen or Navarone, but it could also encompass modern special forces actions or Napoleonic small units like Sharpe's Rifles. The genre book would need to address things like roleplaying around the command structure in a military unit, firearm combat with unarmored PCs that somehow isn't incredibly lethal, and more detailed mechanics for stealth and recon. However, I think zslane's point about moving away from DIY books stands. "War Hero" would be less accessible than a "Dirty Dozen" or "Black Ops" campaign book.
  8. So basically that was a year-long recon prior to the invasion?
  9. Permission denied. There are many other people who need to die first.
  10. I wonder if you could strip a cat using Pine-Sol, the way I did with all those minis I mispainted.
  11. Ah, the weekly reminder of that mistake I made, so long ago.
  12. Has anyone ever told you that maybe you're a little too picky when it comes to dating?
  13. Wouldn't that be painful? Unless... that's the kind of thing you're into?
  14. Yeah, software engineering used to be really popular with the X-chromosome types before the culture somehow morphed into brogramming, starting in the eighties.
  15. It's always critical to apply a good coat of primer before applying the topcoat.
  16. Miniaturizing a fusion reactor is especially pointless when you realize how much radiation it would put out. Impossible in a current-state-of-materials-science sense.
  17. What would I gain by doing so? You know... uh... just for the sake of argument?
  18. Don't you know that Nancy Drew was 16, not 12? Does that make Cancer's fetish any less weird?
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