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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Higher than here but not by much. Admittedly SF and here are two of the most expensive real estate markets on the planet.
  2. Yeah, but I never go in there, I might get creeped out.
  3. The Erinyes, which are also known as Furies, which L. Marcus seems to have some kind of perverted fetish for?
  4. It occurs to me that I may not have seen the movie Dragonslayer all the way through. I will have to rectify that.
  5. Dragons Having Sex With Cars NSFW. You're welcome.
  6. Unfortunately however, after recent events, unarmed, peaceful civilians may also think they're going to get shot. With good reason. Thus negating one of the primary advantages of not being a violent felon. Security footage from this most recent shooting has been released. It sucks. The action happens at a great distance from the camera, the people look like ants, and I don't see the perp ant do much of anything before the cop ant freaks out and starts shooting while falling backwards, then backpedals across the pavement. Cop ant was definitely scared s_tless though, so there's that.
  7. My take is that this should have been expected. When you have cops gunning down unarmed civilians on the flimsiest of pretexts, with total impunity, then when a situation arises where lethal force is actually justified it's still going to set off the population. As it is, my first reaction when I read the story was "Did the guy really have a gun? Really? Now I'm expecting the security camera footage that shows the cop planting a gun on the unarmed perp. My second reaction was, of course the guy drew on the cop if he thought he was going to get shot anyway.
  8. It was a good post that bore repeating. Meanwhile, spoiled for size:
  9. Payback; they're being DDOSed off the internet. They have very little connectivity so it's probably not even that hard. Frankly I'm surprised it took this long for them to start seeing reprisals.
  10. "Dad, did they have comic books when you were growing up?"
  11. Wow, are they allowed to disarm you like that? That's one area of CC I'm fuzzy on.
  12. Hey let me know if she finds a good flint knife, I lost mine on the way over. Was one of my favorites.
  13. Usually one plays the fiddle with one's hands. I like rap. I like opera. I don't like bad rap, or bad opera. I detest the rap that the neighbor five doors down plays in his subwoofer-equipped SUV. But mainly, I'm a metalhead.
  14. Education should be relatively easy to transfer out of, if you look for trainer positions in various industries. I mean, that would still be teaching but you'd inadvertently learn about something else that you might be able to move to after a few years. Otherwise, you write well and I assume you speak well if you did twenty years in a classroom. Sales? Marketing? Tour guide? Technical writing? Journalist? Warrior poet?
  15. Old Man

    The Stargate

    Whose point total is that coming out of?
  16. I am hoping for some elaboration on this point. What kind of career are you looking for? Besides kicking people in the head I mean. Those jobs are hard to come by.
  17. I wonder when the US military is going to move to a modern small arms round. It might have to wait until the caseless stuff comes out.
  18. The way I usually explain it is "how badly the electricity wants to get from A to B." If you have electrodes on either side of your head, and the potential difference is low, then the electrons will stay where they are. If the voltage is high, then they will move from one electrode to the other despite any resistance offered by the intervening space. Amperage is "how many electrons there are" or, to put it another way, "how many dice of damage you roll."
  19. I don't think I really started screaming until Physics 272, which was electromagnetism. And then it was less because of the subject matter than the professor, who would dock points on your exam if you didn't indent your calculations the way he wanted. That and his predilection for edge-case and trick questions were really, really annoying. By thermodynamics the screaming was over, supplanted by a pathetic whimpering.
  20. I guess the Stooges got you with their double-handed eye-poke fu?
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