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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Agent Carter looks awesome; too bad I don't have time to watch TV. Somebody watch it for me, thanks.
  2. I can see it fine. That movie was very... slow and dark, especially for a Disney film.
  3. That means that the Borg have determined that diplomacy is useless.
  4. He knows too much! Someone call the Gnomes of Zurich and have them warm up the orbital mind control lasers.
  5. Hope the woman returns from beyond the grave to exact vengeance! Or that things get resolved in a positive manner. One of those.
  6. Could you please get your mind out of the gutter?
  7. I thought Cancer's kids were a bit closer to maturity. Mine are no longer walking natural disasters, but I still make sure to put the fragile stuff away out of reach.
  8. @FrankL: B5: Skip the first and last seasons. Start with Season 2. New BSG: Watch the first two seasons then come up with your own ending for the series. Voyager: Ski the first and last seasons, and all seasons in between. DS9: Skip everything up until the Dominion War. Sit down RPGs: Remind me again why you are here?
  9. It does seem shockingly crass. I suppose we should be happy he didn't forward the jokes to his former girlfriend's family. I've known too many people whose lives were screwed up by alcohol. I wouldn't expect prohibition to work, but I really don't understand the cultural fixation with drinking. At all.
  10. Theory's all right. Show, not so much. Silicon Valley on HBO, however, was hilarious. If you desperately need geek humor.
  11. I could use a good pair of nocks for the office.
  12. Picked up the kadomatsu for this year. Went with the 8" version, not the 5' version.
  13. Hexes have a DCV of 3 because they didn't put any points into DEX. Duh.
  14. People see what they want to see, I guess.
  15. Please. How exactly is a syringe-like icing applicator supposed to look? I especially enjoy the butthurt comments, i.e. "This ruined our entire Christmas!!! OMGWTFBBQ!!!111oneone"
  16. I think they've had grenade launchers for a while now actually. They just don't use frag grenades yet.
  17. I never did understand what the fixation was with AQ and the WTC. I mean, they're tall buildings, but why try to destroy them specifically? Twice?
  18. I've come to the conclusion that law enforcement agencies get seriously traumatized by high-profile shootouts. The FBI was so shaken up by the Miami shootout back in the eighties that it first went to the ludicrous 10mm round and then developed an entirely new caliber for its agents to use in their sidearms. Likewise the LAPD seems to be constantly reliving the Hollywood shootout where they couldn't bring down two heavily armored and chemically enhanced goons. This is just speculation though. I thought 4.6x30mm was a tumbling round so it wouldn't overpenetrate, but I don't think it really matters either way.
  19. Well, the cops can't all be of Frank's build, so they'll carry full auto SMGs instead: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/12/29/lapd-issue-hk-mp7s-motorcycle-k9-patrol/
  20. I don't even find it annoying to be perfectly honest. But I never developed the raw hatred and distrust for math that seems to be the norm for the popular kids. Anyway it'd be easy enough to insulate newbs from fractional math during the character creation process, and I think some effort should be made in that direction in future versions aimed at new players. I'm repeating myself again, but I've often thought that Hero books are laid out backwards--the order should be 1. Pick a pregen character; 2. Here is an orc, this is how combat works; 3. Here is a trapped secret door, this is how skills work; 4. Here is a magic item, this is how powers work; 5. Here are the character creation rules if you're ready to spend XP or replace your pregen. Something like that anyway. (I have a preference for FH but it wouldn't be hard to come up with a supers version.) This way it's a bit more of a walkthrough and less of a phone book that must be grasped in one sitting.
  21. I actually completely understand where you're coming from. But it's been thirty years and I'm tired of seeing Hero lose market share to inferior games. The generic build-your-own approach isn't working as well as it ought to. You and I are advanced gamers who would be mostly unaffected by a default setting. I don't know any D&Ders who didn't start branching out with house rules in their own campaigns, so I see the default setting as a way to lure players in close where they can be hit with the full weight of the Hero system in all its glory. @steriaca: I've noticed before that nearly all the "math" in Hero occurs in character creation, so one way to short-circuit that is to get players started with pregen or modular characters. After that it's just counting lots of pips which isn't that hard. (Not that fractions are actually hard in the first place, but whatever.)
  22. We only went up to Blu-Ray last year, and then mainly because the primary DVD player was on its deathbed. There's still a significant premium on BR discs compared to DVDs. Jupiter Ascending looks phenomenal but I wonder if I'll be able to see it. I'm way, way behind on my 2014 movies.
  23. Shouldn't that be "Do 522 posts count?" And if so, what do they count?
  24. Don't you think you should be more specific?
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