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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Nothing about the case was really good. Still the penalty was steeper than I had expected. The 'H' in HFS stands for 'holy'.
  2. Just sent a guy to jail for twenty years. HFS.
  3. How do we celebrate Australia Day? I mean, besides the drunkenness.
  4. Even for relatively crunchy space opera like a Traveller I'd prefer the thruster plates, simply because fusion torches would really complicate planetary operations. It's nice to be able to land without destroying everything within a kilometer.
  5. Head injuries are no laughing matter. I knew a guy who stepped out of a golf cart and died. (Weeks later after a long stay in the ICU.). Some other guys I know came back from concussions but were... different.
  6. Poor Bazza, he's still disoriented from the concussion.
  7. Are we taking hypothetically, or about specific people in this thread?
  8. Yeah, I wouldn't put up much of a fight on that one.
  9. For using too many i's to spell 'aluminum', you're going to have to die slow. Sorry.
  10. I know. Now... pistols at dawn? Or swords? I'm flexible.
  11. I'm trying to decide if I should be insulted, or if Cancer should be.
  12. But I don't go in that thread. I wish there was something in this picture for scale. What if that hole is the size of a volleyball?
  13. This area of conversation should be off limits. Someone should post a sine.
  14. To the point of letting them drive Galaxy-class dreadnoughts. Seriously, was he even old enough for a driver's license?
  15. Obviously you can't "put a spike on pretty much anything" and have it be effective, or it'd have been a much more common practice. Spikes were not added to Viking axes, or Indian maces, or English hammers, or Eastern European flails. Spikes do appear on certain polearms, but at that point you're already starting with an unwieldy weapon and there's little penalty to adding yet another projection to the head. I've actually toyed with the idea of breaking out melee weapon damage into different types, and changing the rPD of armor accordingly. In that case I'd have taken away the +1 from swords, but given them the ability to choose between (effective) piercing or slashing damage. Never got around to fleshing it out though.
  16. Gods, man, can't you watch your language in this public forum?!
  17. Beatings are usually considered torture, yes.
  18. The hell are they dueling with? Katanas?
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