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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. What kind of heart surgery? Recovery time is long and arduous if they had to damage the rib cage. Well wishes for everyone involved.
  2. Scrubbed on account of broken radar. May try tomorrow same time.
  3. More details here: http://www.spaceflightinsider.com/missions/commercial/launch-viewing-guide-spacex-flacon-9-v1-1-orbcomm-og2/
  4. SpaceX is going to attempt a barge landing again tomorrow after they launch a satellite. Launch is around 6pm eastern I think.
  5. Navy Railgun About Ready for Deployment
  6. 1st ed FH replaced "Flight" with "Levitation". It cost the same, but the caster was DCV 0. Personally I'd not only triple the cost of Flight but put a minimum cost on that first inch. Flight is just incredibly useful when the majority of your enemies have only melee or thrown weapons. And it's not hard to combine Flight with an effective defense against arrows so as to become nigh invulnerable.
  7. Old Man


    I think the trick here is going to be modulating rarity, spoilage, and encumbrance in order to achieve the right level of inconvenience while preventing obvious means of abuse. Rarity: You're probably going to have to carefully consider the "available on the market" aspect here. It's a great way to separate the character from excess gold, but too much gold could lead to trash bags full of "rare" herbs. So the materials here will either need to be like endangered-species rare, or have something else about them that makes them rare. For example, mistletoe is a weed, it's everywhere--mistletoe harvested by moonlight with a golden sickle is not. A long ingredients list for each spell can accomplish the same thing, like when you go to the market and they have everything you need for your mom's spaghetti sauce recipe except parsley. I hate that. Spoilage: I can't even keep salad in the fridge for more than a couple of weeks before it goes bad. This is a good way to limit the character's overall hoard of herbs. I think you'll have to allow the character to carry at least a couple weeks' supply of herbs, but you can further limit usage by requiring daily preparation. So your mandrake root will keep pretty well, but it's useless unless you grind it into a powder, and the powder will only last a day or so before losing its potency. Encumbrance: I imagine we're trying to avoid the character dragging a trash bag full of leaves or carrying a bandolier of herb pouches. You might want to penalize the character for either behavior. If you think about it, carrying a ready supply of 20+ different herbs is going to be inconvenient. A bottle of 5-hour energy doesn't seem like much, but two dozen of them is certainly unwieldy if not heavy, and if you wade into melee with them they're likely to get broken. Similarly your druid spell probably requires an intact stick of mistletoe. Lastly, I'll tell your GM to set the campaign in a desert or on board ship.
  8. Does anyone happen to know if the weapon chart entries for halberd, scimitar, and bastard sword got corrected before printing? I'm only now looking at the PDF.
  9. Oh, so you're the one who broke all my concepts? What do you have to say for yourself?
  10. Is that one of the rules? Are we not allowed to post multiple questions? What happens if we do?
  11. Jury duty. (I finally won something!!). Pimp recorded another pimp beating and stripping one of his girls. Turns out first degree promotion of prostitution carries a mandatory 20 year sentence. Cameraman got dinged for second degree based on the texts on his phone. Sad case all around really, though nobody died.
  12. Well, technically He doesn't play dice, so that would limit Him to Amber or Castle Falkenstein.
  13. I want to punch an anti-vaxxer in the face. With a baseball bat.
  14. That's not exactly why I like legos, but I do like them. So we have that in common.
  15. Can't we be wrong on multiple levels?
  16. TIL what congenital rubella is. What else does she like besides piano?
  17. Yeah, and don't forget that the whole Ukraine problem with Yanukovich was engineered by the US as well. It had nothing to do with a blatantly corrupt president literally fleeing the country to avoid being lynched.
  18. Isn't this completely, totally wrong?
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