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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. So I guess another kid got slaughtered in Wisconsin over the weekend? It's getting hard to keep track.
  2. The interior of my home is illuminated by zillions of LEDs at night. Everything has an LED on it nowadays, even the electrical sockets.
  3. Certainly. However if hundreds of millions of dollars and my job were at stake, I could see why movie execs would be risk averse. No, I think it's entirely legacy reasons. Superhero costumes since 1980 tend to be far less garish, because they can be. But once again, bright costumes make more sense in print than in live action movies. I think Reeve's Superman is the closest we ever got to making that work, but as I pointed out earlier, that was over three decades ago and tastes have changed.
  4. Four-color hand drawn print vs. live action. Completely different media and surroundings. One way to make bright costumes work would be to increase the brightness of everything else, giving a massively styled background to work against as in Dick Tracy or Gatsby. But if the background is everyday reality, forget it. I should also point out that one big reason for bright superhero costumes in the comics is print technology. They called the original process four-color for a reason. I've experience primordial slime. You wouldn't like it. You just can't get the smell out.
  5. Kind of like your vacuous nonsense about the costume color? As if superhero costumes haven't evolved over the years. As if they shouldn't evolve over the years.
  6. You're aware that female superhero costumes are always under a microscope, right? That every time a WW costume design proposal gets released, the internet explodes with "How does her top stay up" and "What's with the hot pants?" Yeah, forty years ago. In the seventies, when clothes looked like
  7. High school cheerleader outfits are miniskirts and crop tops that expose the entire midsection? What school did you go to? The whole muted color palette is the only reason they don't look like ridiculous pajamas.
  8. I seriously think this version would border on child porn if it were done live action. Miss Benoist successfully played a high schooler on Glee so I'm pretty sure she could pull off young. For a while. Before the inevitable facelifts and implants take their toll. This is Hollywood, after all.
  9. I could tell stories about Bunsen burners, and how they resemble fuel-air bombs in some respects. Won't someone think of the eyebrows?
  10. It sounds as though it can be salvaged, though the damage does look pretty bad. It's probably a good thing that the engine wasn't running--wait let me rephrase. It's probably a good thing that the engine didn't suffer any additional damage as it was not running on impact.
  11. Fair to moderate, not critical. Still, the guy is 72 and just coming off a broken ankle. Ford has been known for his piloting activities in the aviation community for some time. He's one of the few men alive who can actually afford the hobby, and has been known to assist in search and rescue missions for lost hikers.
  12. No, the bathroom is not an appropriate place to reenact World War I or experiment with weapons of mass destruction.
  13. On occasion I have dreamt of being a feral creature rending people asunder on the street with my claws, and a virtual character drawn in green vector graphics. That probably doesn't answer your question though.
  14. I know a guy whose roommate once tried to clean her bathroom with a mixture of bleach and ammonia. She stopped when her nose started to bleed.
  15. Perhaps Spongebob could be eaten by Galactus, then? Or by Hannibal Lecter?
  16. Probably not all. Then again, I note the unity that police departments present when one of their number commits an egregious offense like murdering someone for selling cigarettes. Blue line indeed. It's remarkable.
  17. I always just load up the neti pot with drano.
  18. Are you kidding? If we tried that here we'd probably get locked up for trespassing or vandalism.
  19. You insensitive clod! Didn't you know Pariah has no forehead?
  20. It's interesting that Dawn is equipped with an ion drive and as a result there's no nail-biting ten-second make-or-break burn to enter orbit. Boring... but so much more reliable.
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