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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I don't think media corporations would hesitate even an instant before doing exactly this.
  2. I thought it was more because they smear continuity out across six titles and thirty issues a month?
  3. But I read comics and still lack any knowledge of the continuity?
  4. Superconductivity would only help performance, right?
  5. Ha! 70˚ in the server room--I was right!
  6. My server room might be warmer than that. I'll have to check.
  7. Sometimes you need to pry off a padlock or hinge. Sometimes you need to cut a hole in a mud house. Sometimes you need to intimidate the natives. Shrug.
  8. Which gets back to the whole "songs not bands" thing. Certainly their percentage went down, but there are some phenomenal tracks on Load, Reload, Garage Inc., and even Death Magnetic.
  9. Here. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=66+degrees+fahrenheit+in+celsius
  10. I, too, prefer songs to bands. That said I respect the Stones for what they were at the time--radically socially unacceptable. Today, of course, they're easy listening. As is Metallica.
  11. I brought my infrared thermometer to work today. 66˚ F in the office--wonky a/c confirmed. The air coming out of the vent is about 60˚.
  12. Hard to say exactly which brand. Maybe this one: http://www.amazon.com/American-LaGana-Vietnam-Tactical-Tomahawk/dp/B0017WJR9U/ref=pd_sbs_hi_23?ie=UTF8&refRID=0HFVWWJKXPEWSHDY1RXE Myself, I'd probably get one of the ones with the prybar handle. Evidently these are useful as lightweight breaching tools for people who need to open doors right now -- imperialist American troops, and firefighters. Not sure if any have actually been used in combat in the past ten years.
  13. Of course it's ill-defined; every genre is ill-defined. This S&S discussion is nothing compared to some of the flamewars I've seen over whether fantasy is a subset of SF, or whether SF stands for "science" or "speculative". But I'll keep trying. To me it's not exactly access to magic that defines S&S but prevalence. Magic is everywhere in Middle-Earth--rings, swords, phials, cloaks, doors, maps, horns, elves, and forests are all overtly magical there, and Gandalf calls it forth visibly with a word or gesture or pinecone. In Earthsea wizards and sorcerers are commonplace enough that you could go find one if you needed to. Conversely Elric is one of just a handful of sorcerers that you run into in his entire career, and even then his 'magic' is limited to Stormbringer and summoning powerful extradimensional beings, the latter only with difficulty or at great cost. In Hyboria, sorcerers are very rare, usually up to no good, and typically found in forgotten ruins. In Lankhmar magic is virtually nonexistent except for the prophecy and coincidence of Ningauble and Sheelba.
  14. The film and the comic book it comes from were semi-satirical takes on the superhero genre, deriving their comedic moments from the collision of costumed "superheroes" with real life.
  15. Record setting lows this week. Down in the 60s at night.
  16. When you realize that you've wasted hours because you weren't testing correctly, but you don't care because you finally got postfix to be PCI compliant by disallowing plaintext AUTH on port 25 (but still permitting incoming email).
  17. I'd say magic is less likely to be a PC ability (Conan, Fafhrd) but this isn't an absolute rule (Elric). A better delineation is the availability and ease of magic--in S&S magic tends to be rarer and more difficult; implementing it usually requires elaborate rituals and/or appealing to supernatural entities.
  18. "Do not look into laser with remaining eye."
  19. Wow, how many hours does that total up to?
  20. I assume he also reached for his waistband and resisted arrest. :|
  21. "Hi Old Man, sorry to call you so early, but [my engineer] got run over by a car on his way to work this morning."
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