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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Whereas my physics labs taught an entirely different lesson. The apparatus was ancient and poorly designed, so you would never get a correct value for g or whatever, but the TA would absolutely dock you two letter grades if your data led you to an inaccurate value. So we all quickly learned to falsify our data. It annoyed me because it made the lab writeups really tedious (on top of the whole integrity issue). It's quite difficult to work backward from a desired answer and come up with real-looking data that would give it.
  2. Can't we just forget that that ever happened?
  3. I took chemistry in two different universities. In the first, labs were well designed and stocked to the point of being preceded by an instructional video. Boring, labs always worked, learned some chemistry. In the second, labs were trashed and poorly stocked and manned by grad students who didn't speak English or care. Less boring, learned less about chemistry and more about doing science with no funding or equipment. Not sure which was the better education.
  4. Seems like it would be extremely dangerous... to the firer's shoulder. Looks awesome though.
  5. Wisconsin police officer kills suspect on first day back from leave after previous shooting Anyone want to speculate on what the "weapon" was?
  6. Oddly that was a big driving force in weapons design through the seventies and early eighties. The AUG and some other weapons were designed to have a minimum of protrusions that would get hung up on foliage in the jungle. The pendulum has now gone way over in the other direction with picatinny rails, optics, grips, and accessories, to the point where I wonder how soldiers don't get all tangled up in their weapon. Even my replica M4 had an annoying tendency to get its safety selector caught on my vest or belts and self-select a setting other than 'safe'.
  7. .45 out of a long barrel hits really hard, too.
  8. The nice thing about conventional long gun designs like this is that they carry well--no protruding grips, magazines, bolt assists, or raised sights. Very comfortable to sling and very easy to stick in a soft case.
  9. Can you list the top three things that would surprise you here?
  10. Wait, is this the nonsequitur thread?
  11. No, they're going to make me live in a nice house on Jupiter. Or something. Never did get the end of that movie.
  12. Are we sure we want to continue along this vector? Must math be integral to fhe content of the thread?
  13. We're not allowed to attempt a landing there.
  14. The news about Ganymede and Enceladus is really encouraging. Just think--a legitimate reason to build a spaceborne drillbot!
  15. You use punt guns to hunt punts. Duh.
  16. If I ever get my hands on whoever invented Taleo, it's not going to be pretty.
  17. Dear ControlScan, When your vulnerability scan takes our ecommerce site offline, it's not a vulnerability scan, it's a DOS attack. It's substantially worse than the problem you're supposedly trying to solve. F__k you very much, Old Man.
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