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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Maybe, but the loss of rank and pay cut could be significant. They could keep their rank if they went Marines, but the culture difference is huge.
  2. Sounds to me like you need to go out and kick some people, in the head, really hard. I still have that list...
  3. I've finally come to the conclusion that the A-10s and CAS mission should be given to the Army and/or Marines. Along with the funding. If the USAF hates the job that much, let's give it to someone who'll do it right.
  4. Have you tried asking Marie Antoinette? Or the Romanovs?
  5. Grass is always greener, I suppose. Be careful what you wish for. When I had money, I proceeded to acquire debt. Now I have the debt, but not the money. I don't know how you sell back martial arts. Do you forget how to kick?
  6. The change to polymer cased telescoped is pretty much the only way a switch to 6.5mm will happen. Existing calibers are too entrenched; it will take a weapons system with a significant advantage to overcome the inertia. Can't happen soon enough IMO since 5.56mm has proven to have insufficient effective range in the Stan, compounded by the switch to carbine barrels that rob the round of muzzle velocity.
  7. I sort of had that perk once, then I got married.
  8. What? You must have at least 15 points invested in martial arts by now. You're probably the highest point character here. What you need is a better GM who can fill out your campaign with life and death encounters.
  9. Log is imaginary? That would explain a lot.
  10. You can get away with a character with little agency if they gain some at the end of the story. Luke finally made one critical decision in the trench run. Haven't seen JA so I don't know if Mila similarly became her own person by the end of her story, or if she's Forrest Gump.
  11. Yeah, kids are great. The rest of my life, well... Anyway, kids are great.
  12. That thing you just mentioned? The one that must not be named?
  13. ...which is why we instantly ban them!
  14. Yes. Although there are good ones too, like the guy who twisted the wire around his finger and wasn't electrocuted...until he put his other hand down on the table.
  15. So did anyone get eclipsed? Hear it was a pretty good one.
  16. Fingers crossed for your dad. Medicine proceeds by leaps and bounds but never quite in time, it seems. We have a family member who was permanently affected by polio, for example.
  17. Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks if they'd all like a beer. The first logician says "I don't know." The second logician says "I don't know." The third exclaims "Yes!"
  18. Two scientists walk into a bar. The first scientist says to the bartender, "I'll have some H2O." The second scientist says, "I'll have some H2O too." The second scientist dies.
  19. A squirrel is in a pine tree, when all of a sudden, it starts shaking. He looks down, and sees an elephant climbing the tree. "What are you doing? Why are you climbing my tree?" the squirrel calls down to the elephant. "I'm coming up there to eat some pears!" the elephant responds. "You fool! This is a pine tree! There aren't any pears up here!" The elephant looks perplexed for a moment, and then says, "But I brought my own pears."
  20. What do we want?! Time travel! When do we want it?! Irrelevant!
  21. What do we want? More questions! When do we want them? Thanks!
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