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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. The Atlantic: Rough Rides and the Challenges of Improving Police Culture Really makes me sick that this is a thing.
  2. The sharkmouth one is begging to get painted in Flying Tigers P-40 olive drab.
  3. In this example, the image of the T. Rex is 50% as large as it would be if the mirror were flat. If the T. Rex is 10 meters in height, and the focal length of the mirror is 150cm, how far away is the T. Rex really? If the T. Rex is sprinting at 12 meters per second, and your vehicle is stationary but accelerates at 5 meters per second squared, how long do you have to live? (These are for humor value only; I have not checked the numbers. Attempt at your own risk.)
  4. Trick question: You don't specify whether the observer is standing inside or outside the store. But the window is bulging away from the observer. I get a focal length of 9.52m.
  5. Aw man, if I hadn't known about that then I wouldn't have to read them. You, you--
  6. When you play the Game of Thrones, you win, or you do a lot of paperwork.
  7. I know. I've been kind of blowing off the color desaturation, but... wow, it makes a huge, huge difference.
  8. South Gate, the town where a US Marshal's deputy recently smashed a citizen's camera, generates millions of dollars in revenue through asset forfeiture--more than San Francisco over the same timeframe But nobody died.
  9. Man, what am I gonna do? How am I supposed to get out of this no win scenario?
  10. What if Man of Steel was in color? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du-eYiD9OfM ...so, I knew MoS was dark, but jeez.
  11. Certainly, but don't conflate reach with speed here. There's no argument that you're better off with a sword than a knife, because of the reach advantage. But the knife, at knife-fighting range, can make effective attacks at a much greater rate than the sword can at its. I don't think that has anything to do with mass, it has more to do with shape.
  12. Cops strip young woman's corpse to take nude photos of it
  13. I think there are far more considerations at play than just mass. Rotational and linear inertia are also factors as well as the length of the weapons compared to limb length. A knife is extremely dangerous at boxing ranges because it's possible to get inside your opponent's armspan. A rapier in that circumstance is likely to be jammed or bound; to be effective the rapier must be outside arm length where the opponent can at minimum put his arms in the way. If you want to throw armor into this discussion it gets even more complex because you have to factor in percussive damage versus the PSI needed to penetrate armor of a given type and thickness.
  14. Chicago cop found not guilty of manslaughter after shooting unarmed black woman in back of head
  15. Not necessarily a SME, but I have quite a few years of aikido and TKD experience, with some fencing and kenjutsu thrown in, and some (irrelevant to this discussion) shootfighting besides. I disagree with Markdoc on weapons and speed. A knife in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, and is in range to do so, can make multiple effective attacks per second. That's just not possible with any sword. It's not a question of mass in this case so much as form factor--even Zorro-like slashing with a rapier, which would be about the fastest type of attack possible with a sword, isn't going to be as fast or effective as an escrima- or krav maga-type multiple slash attack against multiple hit locations with a knife. The rapier's significant advantage stems from its reach, not its effective speed. It's not hard for the swordsman to keep a knife wielder at bay with the longer weapon in this case. It would also be easier to inflict an immediately incapacitating wound with the rapier. But it won't be faster than a knife in any way.
  16. The elderly (but wealthy) reserve officer in this case has gone on vacation in the Bahamas.
  17. How can a nothing be a something?
  18. It's like the ultimate mixture of controversies. Can we fit immigration in there somewhere?
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