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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Hearbreaking conclusion to the England-Japan game.
  2. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=kalashnikov+pl-14+caliber
  3. Good to hear your maternal unit's condition has improved.
  4. That could actually be a real issue for me in about 45 minutes.
  5. You wouldn't. Most of the time counting money is something you just don't want to deal with in a fantasy game. I've played in several campaigns where we used the Conan accounting method--all the spoils from the last adventure have been squandered by the start of the next. It may be interesting on occasion for denominations to serve as a plot point ("Why does this guy have a purse full of Guilderian florins? Is he a spy?!") but elaborate conversion rates and the like are rarely worth the effort.
  6. edit: The comments under that story are something else.
  7. Why is it so hard to find a restaurant that isn't noisier than a football game? Can someone please explain that to me?
  8. Snorkeling with the kids and their cousins. Suddenly, across the way, where the scuba divers were setting up, a whistle blew. Shrill. Insistent. A whistle at the beach is never a good thing, I thought. But I am supervising four young children, I cannot investigate. Then the shouts: "Call 911! Call 911!" The response was fast--three minutes at most, before Everyone showed up. Lifeguards, fire, police, ambulance. I found a pretty striped wana, and showed the kids how if you prod it, it angrily wiggles its spines at you. The girl found some shells that she wanted to keep, so I put them in my pocket. One of them turned out to have a hermit crab in it, so we let it go. After half an hour, the ambulance left, with its sirens on. That's a good sign, I thought. Eventually we went back to the sand. "Why did you have to bring this ugly backpack?!" the wife snapped at me. That's what we'll be fighting about today, I thought. I was not wrong. We stopped for burgers. They make great burgers on the North Shore. Later that evening I checked the news on my phone. The diver didn't make it. "You're wrong!" the wife shouted. "You're inconsiderate, selfish, stubborn, and pigheaded! Do you think I'm stupid?!" I thought about scuba diving. It's so quiet, forty feet down.
  9. Horizontal is hardly necessary for good sleep. The chairs in the conference room are great for napping. As is the driver's seat in my car, with the soothing noise of freeway traffic all around.
  10. Best wishes gewing. Try and take care of yourself too as much as possible.
  11. I totally agree, but I also don't think Hero is granular enough for that to really be a factor. The difference between 9mm and .44 magnum is only one or two DC anyway so it scarcely matters if your 9mm is a hollowpoint. If you wanted to get fancy you could throw on a couple points of Penetrating or STUNx. NSG is scaling his example up to 19 DC as well, so we're also talking about the difference between heroic and superheroic.
  12. I don't think the challenge is in asking the students, I think the challenge is maintaining sanity while watching them attempt to comply with the request.
  13. Crom! Compilers and libraries are totally different today, too.
  14. I'm not sure if that should make me happy or sad. IRAF was a pretty good piece of kit, but you'd think it could have been improved upon by now. On the other hand it has to be way faster than it was back in the day. I used to kick off some IRAF processing scripts and go to lunch...
  15. Is that the same IRAF I was running at IFA back in the early nineties?
  16. Man, I could pad that out to the size of a phone book. Off the top of my head: The Law of Corruption: The larger and more complicated a system is, the more likely it is to attract demons or other corrupting influences that will eventually destroy it. (This is happening to my Exchange database as I type this.) The Law of Security: The more secure a system is, the less likely it is that it will actually work. The Law of Spellbooks: Procedures that have been written down may not function as advertised even if followed to the letter. The environment will almost certainly have key differences--software versions, for example--and the procedure itself may be missing key steps or contain other errors.
  17. That... wasn't your wife you were talking to, was it?
  18. Then why did you write """? (And it's just as funny the other way: http://dangerousminds.net/comments/life_imitates_comedy_spinal_tap_uncannily_anticipated_black_sabbaths )
  19. But Stonehenge is only 18" high.
  20. I take issue with the subject of this thread. Computers are not magic. Computers are the darkest reaches of black sorcery. Only more difficult and dangerous.
  21. There was an interesting NPR piece back when this was happening when one of the correspondents sat down with her friend, who was a female police officer, to watch the tape of that incident. To the correspondent it was painfully obvious that the cop there was choking an innocent man to death, but to the female police officer it was clear that the victim was resisting arrest. And they were watching the same video at the same time. Not that I think it excuses the cop, but it was an interesting thing to consider.
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