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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Dude, those modules were really hard. Not quite Tomb of Horrors, but almost.
  2. What? I was looking forward to that most of all! Well, after the flying cars I mean.
  3. Retail is just a seriously messed up industry.
  4. And no one respects the Welsh. They're just a dumping ground for consonants. The French are not arch foes of America, they're like the little brother that you like but that you constantly pick on for being so weird.
  5. What happens if you just peel all the skin off already? Are you just molting or is it like a chrysalis and there's something completely new underneath?
  6. Have you tasted the Saffron Shower?
  7. The Crepuscular Saga: Dusk Moonless Night Occultation Shattering Sunrise The Hues of Black Trilogy: Half a Hundred Hues of Black Half a Hundred Deeper Hues of Black Half a Hundred Hues of Black Unbound Black I would throw every single one of these books into the 'forbidden' category. If not a bonfire.
  8. And the dehydrated pizza. Don't forget the dehydrated pizza.
  9. I just don't understand how whiteboards replaced chalkboards. At all. They're inferior in almost every way.
  10. Chalkboards: Chalk dust is messy and, theoretically, harmful. In large doses. Whiteboards: Dry erase pens are messy, expensive, dry out, give off harmful fumes, and stain anything they write on (including, sometimes, the whiteboard). Progress!
  11. That's going to be a very disappointing day.
  12. If you combine the faces of all Batman movie actors, you get:
  13. I'd pay to watch Rachel McAdams read the ingredients list on a Twinkie. In fact I'd rather see her play Doctor Strange than Cumberbatch.
  14. It's even worse than that but I'll spare you the rest of the details.
  15. No, the girl was given an overdose of five different sedatives and went into arrest. Criminal negligence and fraud... rare? But it happens.
  16. Dentist here did have a casualty last year. This particular DDS was really sloppy with the anesthesia.
  17. Unfortunately this world and its species are all we have to go on at the moment. It's possible that we've actually observed intelligent life elsewhere in the solar system and just haven't recognized it.
  18. I'd settle for basic accountability in the courts. However, if you have a newsletter, I'd like to subscribe.
  19. I failed to explain completely--bipedalism and binocular vision are examples of convergent evolution here, each having evolved on several distinct occasions. Certainly it doesn't rule out radial symmetry or crystal entities or what have you, but if I had to bet money on the form intelligent alien life will take, it'd be a bilaterally symmetrical, bipedal form with binocular vision.
  20. I've wondered about that. Obviously aliens wouldn't look exactly like humans but there's clearly a bias towards bipedalism at least, if not also opposable thumbs and binocular vision.
  21. I think that's the same one that was pioneered by ST Kinetics' Ultimax LMG, here being fired braced against the shooter's chin:
  22. Congrats on the new job! But who will provide El Marcus with adult supervision?
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