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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. If the hair growing out of your ears is long enough to braid, are you too old?
  2. Pascal would be the god of sages and academia. His clerics would know a lot of spells but be unable to actually cast any. Java would be an uncountable horde of trickster demons. They're everywhere and you can't avoid them, and they're always looking for ways to trip you up. Assembly would be Ilúvatar himself, the all-powerful overgod who rarely gets directly involved in anything. Only obsessed lunatics know how to call upon him for aid. Python would be the god of hearths and smiths, the one that gets a lot of menial, unglamorous stuff done. COBOL would be the demon of accountants, money, and ancient knowledge. You will have to deal with him eventually. Flash would be the demon of quick and seductive power. Flash will do whatever you want, right away, but she will exact a heavy price.
  3. That would make a good cartoon.
  4. That article was even better than your link implied it would be.
  5. Last night I went out in the driveway, pulled out my phone, and figured out Pluto's current position--in Sagittarius--and then used another app to figure out where Sagittarius was. And then I peered into the sky, looking to where history was being made. Couldn't quite make out the probe, or Pluto, but still.
  6. http://killedbypolice.net/ Only one today! (So far.)
  7. Jimmy Fallon warned me not to google "ring avulsion". I googled "ring avulsion". Jimmy Fallon was right. So, so right.
  8. Does anyone remember back when songs were super long? Like four minutes or more?
  9. I could hook them up with the 30MT protesters, that would be interesting. But I don't have a problem with the classification change. No one complained the last time planets were demoted.
  10. "Okay, next on the agenda is the time machine. Dave, I need you to get that up and running by Friday." "Sure, no problem." "Last Friday." "Uh... well, I guess if I invent a time machine, that won't be a problem either." "But you didn't! You've failed!"
  11. New Horizons has definitely reignited the definition flame wars on some other internets I read.
  12. If the film is supposed to contrast Bats and Supes philosophically, I wouldn't expect to see the Adam West Batman. Despite that, odds are they wind up on the same side after two hours.
  13. They might have been piping in onion fumes or tear gas when I saw it.
  14. Affleck looks like he can pull off the flying rodent man after all. Is there still lots of nerdrage about that casting choice? Eisenberg could make a pretty creepy Luthor, but not with all that hair. Perhaps he loses it by the end of the film?
  15. No, that honor goes to Incredibles. Still an awfully good movie though. Bing Bong Bing Bong!
  16. Sounds like the youngest has his first real encounter with a bully today. Should I do nothing? Go full Velcoro? Somewhere in between?
  17. Been watching Season 2 of True Detective, mainly because GoT and Vikings aren't currently on. Reasonably interesting so far. It's a slightly over-the-top detective noir with some obvious Twin Peaks moments. Also, Rachel McAdams.
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