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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. More on Kepler 452b: http://www.nasa.gov/keplerbriefing0723
  2. Batman has been wearing at least a bulletproof vest since 1939, if this wiki is accurate. http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Batsuit
  3. I have fallen asleep standing up on a few occasions. Admittedly, I did not remain asleep for very long.
  4. Mythbusters pretty much shot down any and all hoax claims.
  5. Can't find an official vid for this one.
  6. Held my nose and logged in to Facebook to get some contact info. "Enter your mobile number to enable two factor authentication", it said. Well, I've done it for a bunch of other sites, might as well do this one too. Then I start getting text notifications for birthdays, PMs, tags, likes... God. F__k you, Facebook.
  7. Mars is unlucky for everyone, not just the Russians. It's also a really good example of why imperial measurements should be abolished in favor of metric.
  8. "...Thus, many Iraqis believed that American troops wore sunglasses that enabled them to see through clothing, and had armor vests that were actually air conditioned. When they first encountered these beliefs, U.S. troops thought the Arabs were putting them on. Then it sank in that Arabs really believe this stuff. It was a scary, or amusing, moment for many Western troops. "However, many troops learned to live with, and even exploit, these odd beliefs. When troops at one base discovered that they weren't being attacked much, because many of the locals believed that the base was surrounded by a force field, the troops would casually make reference to their force field. They would do this inside the base if any Iraqis were nearby and especially when they were outside the wire and among the locals. This reinforced the force field myth and made the base safer. Other troops would invent new fantasies, like pretending that a handheld bit of military electronics was actually a mind reading device. That often made interrogations go much quicker. Not all Arabs believe in this stuff, and those that didn't and worked for the Americans, often as an interpreter, could only shrug their shoulders when asked about it."
  9. Also, 37 million users is around 30% of the married population of the US. Either that's an inflated count, or...
  10. Given that AM would charge users $20 to delete their accounts, and then not delete them, your last sentence is probably correct.
  11. If you make your world rich enough and detailed enough, eventually, it becomes real and you can move from this world to that one. Or you go mad. Either way. You know.
  12. Would you please pull up to the damn line?! The light's not going to change any faster if you're not on the sensor. And FFS don't inch forward the whole time the light is red! Just pull up to where you need to be and stop!
  13. What if they're already in there and now they can't get out?
  14. Gods of acid and alkali? Of covalence and catalysis? Perhaps goddesses of spin and charge? Demons of charm and strangeness? Madness.
  15. edit: Christ this video is awful. Watch it with your eyes shut.
  16. To work in this field you have to start out a little cracked, and then the work does the rest. *twitch*
  17. Scheme, LISP, Prolog, Ruby, R, PHP, Ruby, Perl, PHP, ColdFusion, LOGO, Forth, Smalltalk, C#, Scala, Visual Basic .NET.
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