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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Does watching Spinal Tap ever get old?
  2. Why couldn't you have mentioned that twelve years ago?
  3. It's not that they need more than pins. It's that I would need so many voodoo dolls. It would look like the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  4. I find much of that unjustifiable based on what we know about Cyclops' power set, but I handwave it away as "mutants are tough". And even then, in-game, a single hit from an average attack will drop him. I do like the current Racer X uniform he has, though. It looks awesome.
  5. How long until we can image exoplanets like Kepler 452b directly?
  6. Admittedly he's a frightening artillery piece, but to me survivability is the real question with Cyke. There's no real explanation for how he can survive a thug with a gun, let alone Sentinels and Magnetos. He's not fast or metallic or tough or bamfy or capable of flight. In the comics he gets plot armor; in Champions he'd last a couple of phases at most.
  7. AR-15 with 2" barrel (not a typo)
  8. Exactly. Beast had a rad accident and became significantly tougher (and smarter). Angel had his rad accident and became metal . Jean went from low level telepath to omega-level mutant to Dark Phricking Phoenix. But Cyke?
  9. This is your birthday song It isn't very long
  10. Cincinnati gearing up for riots ahead of release of police video in death of Sam Dubose
  11. Mental Entangle is too cheap. That's the problem. Champions characters often have their STR bought up at least a little, and even if they don't, there's usually creative ways to wiggle out of a physical Entangle or help someone else get out of one. Conversely most players don't buy up their character's EGO by much if at all; it's expensive and unfun to do so and it rarely clearly supports the character concept. So a 60-point attack on a PC's normal-range stat is gonna mess them up. You have to let characters push EGO or otherwise creatively counter the special effect in order to figure a way out of a ME. Or increase the price, or require all MEs be bought with Ablative, or something.
  12. Had quite a few dreams that just didn't make it in here because I haven't had time to type them up. In the most recent, I used my own sniper rifle to take out a sniper who was targeting a playground. I then ducked into a nearby bathroom to break down my weapon and change my outfit. I took the handicapped stall to do this, but while I was in there some douchebag walked in and proceeded to have a long inane conversation on his cell phone. I didn't want to be seen and I didn't want to kill the guy, so I was trapped in the handicapped stall. It was incredibly irritating.
  13. Off topic, but I have a policy to nuke and pave any workstation that can't be fixed in an hour. F__k that dragon.
  14. This. Cyke, Angel, Beast, and original MG were effectively skilled normals with one power apiece--basically pulp hero level. They weren't bulletproof or anything. Even today I wonder how Cyclops hangs with the near-gods that mutantkind eventually became.
  15. And IA did their thing and the cop wasn't disciplined.
  16. Charlize could make a pretty good Danvers, but like PG I'd rather see less of a name. That said, the MCU films to date have been pretty star studded.
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