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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I don't mind Jessica Alba. I'm not sure that that role matched her though.
  2. I've got a bad feeling about F4's box office potential. I really think there's superhero fatigue with the audience after Ultron and Ant-Man. Plus M:I5 still has legs having just come out this past weekend. There was a trailer for it in front of M:I5, in fact, that looked pretty good, but it didn't look -different-. It feels like F4 is just a third string Avengers/X-Men.
  3. Heard about that ebola vaccine on NPR. The researchers say that the 100% effectiveness is probably due to the small sample size and the indirect nature of the testing--they had to do a ring test. So the actual effectiveness is probably more on the order of 70%, but that's still really good. It's already saving lives. In other good news, I thought I was going to have to retest in order to renew a particular IT certification, but it turns out that since I've been keeping current with relevant credits, I don't. This matters because six hour tests really, really suck.
  4. The movie prop was built on a Thompson M1A1 and a Remington 870 with a SPAS-12 grip. It looks like that's what they've done here. In-universe the M41A fired 10mm explosive tipped, caseless, light armor piercing rounds. Hard to simulate that level of stopping power with anything current.
  5. I have a Facebook account. Sometimes I even log into it.
  6. Ties have to be the most ridiculous piece of clothing ever invented.
  7. No, the one where North Korea is an Earthly paradise and the rest of the world's governments and media conspire to keep the rest of us in the dark about it.
  8. "Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist." -George Carlin
  9. You're aware of the conspiracy theory around North Korea, right?
  10. Try counting up the convictions. Or even the disciplinary actions.
  11. There are vulnerabilities in XP that cannot be fixed. Usability wise, I still haven't beaten up 10 a whole lot, but it's nice enough. It's pretty snappy and things are more or less where I expect them to be--none of this charm business or violent skipping back and forth between Windows and Metro.
  12. Mission: Impossible 5 (Rogue Nation) was a really well made and written action film. Rebecca Ferguson kind of stole the show--but that might just be me because she really, really reminds me of that one girl that I should not have gotten romantically involved with that one time. (Well, more like a dozen times. Or so.)
  13. Shop owner tells robbers to come back in a hour, they do, cops are waiting
  14. NYPD pulls injured gay man out of his house, beats him on his front lawn while calling him a f----t
  15. It's possible to have a campaign with almost no campaign world at all, if you confine it to a city or boat. But where's the fun in that?
  16. A rundown on Win10 issues I'm seeing people talk about: - Install can fail forcing you to either back out or do a clean install. This seems to be infrequent, but back up your stuff before attempting the upgrade. - Some third-party driver issues, generally with older or obscure sound/video cards. Consider updating all drivers before attempting upgrade. - Problems with computer sleep settings. It's possible that Wake on LAN is getting triggered more often. This is draining some laptop batteries as a result. - Microsoft has apparently decided to use a torrent-like model to distribute software updates, and your new Win10 machine will be set to serve updates by default. Consider turning this off especially if your network provider charges by the byte or caps your uploads. - Font smoothing complaints with Edge. (Of course it's not like IE was any better at this.) - The Win10 upgrade process will encourage you to join the computer with your Microsoft account. You then log into the machine with your Microsoft account, not any local account. - Lastly, BACK UP YOUR STUFF BEFORE THE UPGRADE. Some teething troubles to be sure, but so far this rollout is going splendidly all things considered.
  17. Everyone needs to do this. My own upgrade went smoothly enough--took about two hours including the download--but I've read some accounts online of installs freezing and people having to back out the upgrade.
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