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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I suppose I would be most like Nicholson Joker. I'm not unhinged enough to be Ledger Joker or Leto Joker. Insane, but with a veneer of refined and normal.
  2. Has this been deleted yet?
  3. Yeah, it gets rolled out as an update, so depending on your Windows Update settings you might get those failed attempts. I've seen some account from other people who got that behavior. In one case it was a sysadmin whose workplace machines started to upgrade themselves. I made damn sure that won't happen on my network.
  4. Venom's like thirty years old and has had his own title, how is he not a classic villain?
  5. Speaking of which, after yet another night of violence in Ferguson, self-appointed "Oathkeepers" are now patrolling the streets with assault rifles, without any interference from the police whatsoever.
  6. Mentalists do kind of lend themselves to abusive builds simply because a majority of characters in the milieu is going to be next to helpless against them. And oddly enough this is true to the source material. Xavier is an omega level telepath; if he wasn't an NPC most issues of X-Men would be pretty boring. The only thing that usually stops him is his strict moral code against invasive mind attacks. Magneto has to wear a hat specifically because of Xavier. In the comics the defense against psychic bad guys is almost always at least an Ego push and, more often, it's teammates verbally helping the target to resist/shake off the attack, or figuring out the attacker's vulnerability. That's not built into the Hero system. It's up to the GM and players to figure out how to account for that--a sudden breakthrough in psychic helmets and jamming technology would be an obvious place to start.
  7. In the cartoon the action often pauses so that Spidey can address his witty banter to the audience directly.
  8. You should be cheesed off. That mine should have been cleaned up sometime between when it was closed in the twenties and now. The only reason people have been able to use the river is because the old mine built up a debris dam to hold in all the crap instead of constantly letting it wash downstream. It's only ironic that it was an EPA contractor that set off that ticking time bomb and not some vandal or prospector. The corporation that used to run the mine took their profits and disappeared decades ago, of course, so here we are.
  9. They need to take Spider-Man in a new direction for this next reboot. Make him darker. Edgier. Grittier. Show him growing up with an abusive Uncle Ben. After he kills Ben and runs away from home, he gets sucked into a synthetic drug ring. That's where he gets his superpowers. And we need to change his powers too. He's too PG. He should have a venomous bite. We're definitely going with the black costume. Probably armor it up, make him look like a cross between a football player and a Navy SEAL. With guns!
  10. Installing Windows 10 is my job, so... Anyway I tried to do a clean install on a Surface and it worked... except for the windows activation problem it's developed. Hadn't figured it out before I left Friday.
  11. I think Evans' Marvel work is hiding his real talent. I got halfway through Snowpiercer before I realized the lead character was him. He didn't resemble Cap or Johnny at all.
  12. The F4 characters to me could be recast with minorities relatively easily, as long as Sue and Johnny are believably related. (I noticed that they managed to fail at even this in the most recent film. )
  13. That's where you block the attack using the body part your opponent was aiming at to begin with.
  14. The reason I suggested single stack is that one hundred 10mm rounds would require a magazine at least 1000mm long.
  15. Seems like it should come with an extra barrel or two.
  16. Frogs equipped with venomous face stabbing face stabbers
  17. Crab found on Mars: http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/the-mars-curiosity-rover-has-taken-a-strange-image-of-a-crab-like-object-on-the-red-planet/story-fnjwlcze-1227472292918
  18. For some reason it didn't register that this $150,000 quote was for $150,000. The boss is not going to be pleased.
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