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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I'm not sure if people just seem really rude and presumptuous over email, or if they're actually rude and presumptuous. Either way I'm turning it off before someone gets killed.
  2. Well, that's one way to reduce health care costs, I suppose.
  3. The biggest issue Hero has with healing is the difference between in-combat healing (which is okay) and non-combat healing (which is far too cheap). The second biggest issue is that there's still no really clear guidance as to how to handle healing with optional rules like bleeding and hit location. Is healing per-wound or per-person? Is it cumulative or can you only heal up to the max possible on the dice? What if there's another source of healing, then what? I always got some sick pleasure out of putting horrible limitations on healing spells, like massive stun drain ("this is gonna hurt") or transfer ("I'll just need a piece of your soul") or even transform ("frogs heal quickly, trust me"). But I was never forced or encouraged to do so, by the rules or by any GM.
  4. Today I drove a Lamborghini Huracan, among other expensive vehicles, at an event put on by the local exotic car dealer. They set out cones in the stadium parking lot to delineate a short track, and foolishly allowed a certain subset of the proletariat to operate the vehicles, which ranged in value from USD$80k - $280k. The Lamborghini was surprisingly easy to drive; I suspect I really wasn't pushing it that hard (for a Lambo). There were several occasions when I was certain the tires were going to break loose... but they didn't. The expert driver in the passenger seat seemed happy enough with my driving acumen and was giving pointers as to what line to take, as opposed to the kind of advice he was giving the other drivers. Also driven were the Maserati Ghibli, which was obscenely luxurious and quite powerful, and the Audi TT, which handled very well but had an annoying transmission. Perhaps most surprising was the Audi S7, which performed extremely well for a heavy sedan. Incredibly these people would also allow commoners to drive their own vehicles on the track, and after much badgering from youngest boy, I took my little teg out for a few laps. It was a little silly with a back seat full of child seats, toys, magazines, and little boys sloshing around, but she handled surprisingly well on the turns. Of course she had less than a third of the horsepower of the other cars so she couldn't compete in that department, but I was more than happy with our showing given that her blue book is 1% of the Lambo's. Kids also got to ride in the vehicles that actually had back seats, so it was a very enjoyable afternoon overall.
  5. *ring* "Hel--" "So did you survive your meeting with the auditor from hell?" "I'm not sure yet. She's still here in the office. You're on speaker, by the way."
  6. What service is this alleged plumber allegedly going to perform for you?
  7. This is the "I have a dream" thread, not the "I have a fetish" thread.
  8. I've done that. I don't recommend it.
  9. I could go on about the ball of untreated anxieties and anger management issues that I have to live with, but then this really would be the longest running thread ever.
  10. Frequency is currently enforced by the maternal unit's OCD. (Seriously, three times a day is not unheard of.)
  11. And now for some Australian injustice! http://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/honest-cop-charged-with-misconduct/
  12. Where are you shopping that has prices for 20mm and 30mm rounds?
  13. The f--k? My kids like Pokemon, that event would have been wall to wall kids. I'm angry.
  14. I used to come away looking like one of the animals that didn't have a ticket for the ark. But the creatures are self-cleaning now, at least in theory.
  15. I thought you called that Tuesday.
  16. Is that like storing a whole lot of sodium cyanide, ammonium nitrate, and calcium carbide in one warehouse next to a police station and an apartment complex, and then having it catch fire?
  17. I agree with your point in general--but one of the results of the hack is the revelation that 86% of the accounts belonged to men, and that most of the women's accounts were fake. AM was a scam.
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