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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. No, it's treachery. It's right there above my avatar! Can't you read?
  2. Considering some of the comments made by the police involved, group was absolutely a factor.
  4. Cassini finds global ocean in Saturn's moon Enceladus
  5. In for a penny, in for a pound, is that it?
  6. I'll have to dig out my copy of Phoenix Command someday. I think there's something to hydrostatic shock--if you see how much it displaces and disrupts organs I can definitely see it knocking a person out or even sending them into actual shock. But in Hero terms that would be more like +STUNx than added damage. I think rifle rounds probably do inflict more damage against bone than handgun rounds would, though I'm much less certain of that. I've taken a couple of abortive stabs at modeling different types of damage and armor in FH. Mail works best against cutting attacks, padding works best against blunt attacks, plate is best for piercing. But it tended to run aground on the simplicity of the DEF/BODY mechanic for inanimate objects--I was going to have to define (at least) three different DEFs for every object type, so forget it. Still, you can see this play out in the evolution of European weapon use through the Middle Ages. Swords were straight-bladed for much of their early existence, reasonably useful against both unarmored peasants and barbarians in mail or brigandine. Then as armor got heavier, so did swords for a bit, until the armor just got ridiculous and the sword was relegated to ceremonial or backup status while the weapon of the day became the pike or polearm. Then as firearms caused the phasing out of armor altogether, the sword became a mostly-slashing weapon, used with devastating effect at Waterloo* before finally fading into obsolescence. *By the English; the French cavalry sword at Waterloo was still a stabbing weapon.
  7. You didn't have to dismember them to make them fit in there did you? You monster, did you even wait until they were dead before the dismembering?
  8. If you think gamers would throw a fit, try the gun nuts. You want to start a fistfight in a room full of gun nuts, just casually mention that .45 sucks. I've noticed the phenomenon that you describe here and I think it's mainly because the damage in question is piercing. In particular, if a bullet has enough energy to get through armor it's pretty much going to do what it would have done if there wasn't any armor. Even if the armor takes off some velocity the resulting hole will be about the same. For higher energy rounds there may be some hydrostatic shock effects, but I wonder if that would even count as BODY damage. For cutting and impact damage, in general, I would expect armor to reduce damage more in line with Hero mechanics. But overall Hero does not make much distinction between types of damage. There's normal and killing, which is a really blunt mechanic, and then there are the advantages that you can put on the KA and the armor. But the modeling of different armor types versus different damage types is a patchwork.
  9. Aw man, I wanted to see you drive the War Rig! Or the Doof Wagon. Either way.
  10. Are you shiny and chrome for Valhalla?
  11. And most importantly, open-ended government contracts.
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