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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Even creating a generic 'copy' of an off-patent drug has a huge entry cost in terms of tooling up, testing, and certification. It takes years and it might not be profitable to do so at all if the sale price is too low.
  2. It is in enlightened Western democracies.
  3. I'm sorry, did you want a DeLorean?
  4. You're also a time traveler, apparently.
  5. That doesn't seem right for some reason.
  6. Mm. Good cornbread is hard to come by around here.
  7. Never ascribe to mallets that which can adequately be explained by incompetence.
  8. You laugh, but I became a much less unhappy person when I consciously, and drastically, lowered my expectations for people in general. Of course that guy cut me off in traffic, he's a human, and humans are little better than hairless chimps. Of course that man is racist, he is trapped in a bubble of prejudice and propaganda that only logic and critical thinking could break him out of, and few people are so equipped. It is as though I'm one of a small number of sapient beings, living among a population of animals that have yet to be Uplifted, and I set expectations accordingly.
  9. What is a gluten free muffin made of?
  10. Cosmi Break Action Semi Auto Shotgun Watch the first video in the link to the end for the price tag.
  11. That would require wall-to-wall bad guys, or using your M4 as an area denial weapon which it is not.
  12. "Don't be a conspiracy theorist. They might be a little prejudiced, but I'm sure they thought he had a bomb." "Okay... "But they didn't evacuate the school, like you do when there's a bomb. "They didn't call a bomb squad - like you do when there's a bomb. "They didn't get as far away from him as possible, like you do when there's a bomb. "Then they put him and the clock in an office: not like you do when there's a bomb. "Then they waited with him for the police to arrive, and then they put the clock in the same car as the police. "Then they took pictures of it." "... Damn... They never thought he had a bomb."
  13. Unofficially, since the player would no doubt quit if he doesn't get to play an elf, the elves have been secretly living among the humans the entire time...
  14. My one Danger Int campaign lasted less than a turn before TPK, so, yeah.
  15. Weapon overheat was an issue with the mag-fed M4A1s issued to the Army platoon in the Battle of Wanat. In that instance an undergunned platoon was hung out to dry in a location where they were bound to be attacked by overwhelming numbers of insurgents, which is what happened. I'm not sure I'd bother modeling it in Hero as it's annoying bookkeeping for a rare case that's not heroic or fun. You'd have to use some sort of activation mechanic that's dependent on the number of charges used in the past few turns.
  16. Next time maybe he should just buy a clock.
  17. Just in case any of you need to know what a bomb looks like.
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