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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I will bet two neutrinos.
  2. Murdoch Begins Destruction of National Geographic
  3. I want to believe, but without an explanation in known physics, and such a tiny amount of measured thrust, I can't help but be very skeptical.
  4. The problem with nunchaku is that they're incredibly lethal. You can break a cinder block with one and you don't need to know kung fu flashy flippity technique to do it. They're "blunt", and there's some binding type things you can do with one that would be somewhat useful in police work*, but the OCV penalty combined with the sneakily high damage is just asking for unintended consequences. * Of course, the chokes that you can apply with the nunchaku are also deceptively lethal.
  5. Gold, being immutable, has often been ascribed properties of immunity to magic. Silver has been proven to slay magical creatures. Other metals in Group 11 include copper and roentgenium. The latter, if it weren't hopelessly radioactive and unstable, would be an extremely heavy metal with somewhat similar physical properties to gold. Its magical properties are entirely unknown.
  6. Update: This situation looks to be even worse than I originally thought. Once again I find myself bolting awake at 3am with no idea how to stop the cascade of credit card debt, losing the house, losing my credit rating, and losing my kids to the custody of a crazy woman. But no one is sick or dying, so there's that.
  7. And why would you want to be anywhere else? Don't you like us any more?
  8. Reminds me of my jury duty case in January.
  9. ...That might just be you, dude. Seek help.
  10. I vaguely recall facing being important for shield usage as well. Typically I prefer to use no map for simple encounters and a hex map for complex ones. I find hex maps to be far preferable to rulers/tape measures as movement and range can be easily computed; Hero doesn't need another reason to slow down gameplay. Hexes do lose a certain 'fog of war' aspect, however, since it's immediately clear whether or not you can make it to that bad guy with a half move.
  11. The XM25 is slated for general adoption by the Army, so there's no reason you can't arm all your NPC thugs and agents with one. http://strategypage.com/htmw/htweap/articles/20151030.aspx
  12. Condolences tkdguy. Good that there's no more suffering, but it still sucks.
  13. If I tried that here in the office I'd go to jail and the company would be hit with a thermonuclear lawsuit that'd leave nothing but a smoking hole in the ground.
  14. "Officer Slam" had a reputation for throwing kids on the ground; I'm guessing that may have factored into his dismissal.
  15. The girl in question had recently been orphaned and moved into foster care, which could help explain (though not excuse) the behavior that got the cop called on her in the first place--looking at her phone in class.
  16. "I don't think this a good link, unless there's a new Pokemon called 'running exploit'."
  17. That seems odd. It's not as though the drivers were made to drink the alcohol. Although this is an employee issue, not a customer issue like wedding cakes or marriage licenses.
  18. Not gritty enough. Not enough property damage, and the body count was far too low. And if she's not going to wear body armor, then she ought to wear a more revealing outfit. ( Haven't seen it yet.)
  19. Public transportation things I have experienced that I do not have to deal with in my own car: Late buses and trains Cancelled buses and trains Having my precise departure and arrival times dependent on an outside entity Shrieking children (that don't belong to me) Shrieking lunatics (aside from my wife) Puddles of urine on the seats Crowds of wild high school kids Criminals Hygiene-optional fellow commuters Garbage Graffiti Overly outgoing people who just won't STFU A/C that is either "arctic" or "nonfunctional" Stopping Every Fifty Feet For Every Bus Stop And Stop Light And Traffic That guy with the skin diseases
  20. Now all I have to do is finish my novel...
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