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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I'd love to see a sinuous dragon use drunken monkey kung fu.
  2. Blue Origin sticks landing of non-orbital spacecraft
  3. Here's a list of military isolationists running for president of the United States in 2016: Bernie Sanders
  4. According to http://blackfridaydeathcount.com/ , Black Friday mostly just seriously injures people, actual fatalities are kind of rare. My wife managed to wiggle out of her Black Friday shift, so she'll spend that day spending money, not earning it.
  5. Increase the alert level to pucker factor 9.
  6. I aggressively treat beginning colds with pseudo ephedrine and vitamin c. It's no miracle cure but it makes a huge difference whether my nose can at least drain or whether it becomes a solid clot of mucus, virus, and bacteria. I have no cold at the moment, but the holidays are upon us, and with them, the fighting. She got mad enough this time that the kids were terrified--like shivering and bawling terrified. To date I've stayed in this thinking it was best for the kids, but now? I wish I was Captain Kirk, who didn't believe in the no win scenario.
  7. So far it appears that last week's terrorists were a) not using encryption and not from Syria. So the outcry about encryption and refugees is just that much more ridiculous.
  8. Even if you don't go with the apocalyptic cult (which they really kind of are) you could say that they're operating out of the AQ playbook. Hard to argue that AQ wasn't an influential organization. And ISIS poached a lot of management-level AQ when they were still in startup mode.
  9. "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"
  10. Arise thread! So I don't know if anyone here is still watching, but if so, does anyone know whether last night's HYDRA mission statement is a major retcon, or whether it's been mentioned in the books in the past? I'm guessing it's the former, but it's not as though I have an encyclopedic knowledge of Marvel secret supervillain conspiracies.
  11. Terrorists have been pretty busy the past month or so.
  12. This. I remember when ICE borrowed Hero back in the day, the one big thing I was looking forward to was those awesome Middle-Earth modules with FH stats. Sadly, it never happened. I feel like you have that backwards. MERP was a big improvement over AD&D1, but it was still a rigid class based system with an equally rigid magic system. And the crit tables become annoying after about two sessions. It's been about thirty years since I last picked up anything MERP though.
  13. Rumor has it that this is why the NSA stopped pushing so hard for widespread surveillance--it hasn't done anything useful. Not because of any moral or Constitutional problem, of course, but because of budgetary concerns. Snooping on everyone's comms 24/7 is expensive. That's why the current push is to make the service providers do it, because they are unaccountable private entities with their own deep pockets.
  14. Parkinson's and Alzheimer's at the same time? Sorry to hear it. Either of those is really hard on both the patient and the caregiver. I can't imagine what it would be like with both.
  15. Really? Most cubicle drones tend to expand in size. I know I did.
  16. Sounds like counsel did tell him to take the $500k, six times. He just kept shopping until he found a lawyer looking for a lottery ticket. It's interesting what information is and is not withheld from juries. But typically there's a good reason. In my case, since the main witness was under immunity from prosecution, there were a lot of details about how that works that couldn't be revealed--safehouses, undercover police identities, and so on. Just be glad your case took one week and not six like mine did. Six weeks puts a really big hole in your life.
  17. I think a Greg Almighty is just what this planet needs. As for myself--sick, tired, broke, can't sleep.
  18. Promising, but: - The prosecutor has to be willing to prosecute cops. - The jury has to be willing to convict a cop. - The judge has to be willing to sentence a cop. - Reasonable doubt means "I saw a gun/I feared for my life" works pretty well as a defense. Cops can literally choke a man to death on video and not even get fired, let alone indicted. So we'll see.
  19. Marshals who killed 6-year-old had history of violence, rulebreaking, and stalking, and probably did not have authority to patrol in the city
  20. I'm not sure this is accurate. Once your machine is upgraded to Windows 10 and activated, and the activation goes through successfully, you should be able to install Windows 10 directly on that box forever. (This does have the unfortunate side effect of tying your license to that piece of hardware, however.) Windows 10 will become the new commercial default, but it will take around four years, just like it took 7 four years to become the new default. Of course the OS is broken if it's not activated. I've found 10 to be far more lenient in this regard than 7.
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