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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Did I step into the oxymoron thread by mistake?
  2. More importantly, we'll figure out which ones we can have sex with. Possibly even before the edibility test.
  3. I like the idea that we've already encountered intelligent life on several occasions and just didn't notice.
  4. *still jonesing for more lemming I thought I was clean but I just can't quit him*
  5. I don't think revolvers are any more reliable than certain modern autoloaders. That information is obsolete. Modern autos go through tens of thousands of rounds between stoppages, hold more ammo, and are quicker to reload. However, I do have to admit that wheelguns are damn cool and still work great, so it should be plenty of gun unless you're in Delta Force.
  6. Why are you making the baby pandas and seals cry?
  7. But seriously, I'd probably wind up getting a Sig P320 or Beretta. I'd get a Glock but they don't fit my hand well. An FNS-9 or HK P30 are options but I have never held one. I'm a lot less picky about caliber than many. I'd be okay with either 9mm or .40. I don't care for .45 primarily for capacity reasons. Regardless, I'd be sure to spend the money for good magazines and night sights.
  8. I thought there was no such thing as a stupid question?
  9. I remember those days. All the mobility, none of the judgment.
  10. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
  11. So he's just using them for sex? Has he no shame?
  12. This is not how things were supposed to be.
  13. Teeth falling out has some kind of dream symbolism, but I forget what.
  14. Oh, is that why there's so much hair?
  15. That's the post-purge city council, then, so that makes sense.
  16. But what if they can't reach Seoul after all?
  17. I don't suppose he backed up this claim with any evidence?
  18. Don't forget that the Michigan governor Snyder pointedly ignored Flint's requests for financial assistance in the years leading up to this, then declared a financial emergency for Flint the day that the Democratic mayor won reelection. Using the emergency declaration, Snyder dissolved the Flint city council and removed the mayor, and his handpicked emergency managers promptly gutted all public services and sold off publicly owned property to private entities. Flint's deficit situation proceeded to get worse.
  19. Where was this clown twenty years ago?
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