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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I haven't tried it, have you? What could possibly go wrong?
  2. I happened to see The Revenant this weekend in the theater, and in many ways it reminded me of Mad Max, only with ice instead of deserts. Food, fire, and clothing become the scarce resources in such a setting--and that's not even a fully iced over area; there were still plenty of trees and sources of running water for people to take advantage of. A howling wasteland of ice and snow would be another level entirely. Cold survival is more difficult in many ways than in the desert. There's so many little ways to get killed in the cold. Let the fire go out, you die. Lose your flint and steel in the snow, you die. Get your clothes too wet, you die. Crevasses, avalanches, blizzards, slipping on the ice, breaking through the ice, caught outside at night, die die die die die.
  3. What level do we have to hit to resurrect Aaron Allston?
  4. 350 km/h is a bit over 300 feet per second, which is only a little hotter than we used to run in airsoft. This man is in no danger of serious damage. Typical arrow velocities are on the order of 350 fps. Typical arrow sizes are just a bit larger than 6mm diameter spheres.
  5. Is that what Vikings do to train for football?
  6. Do you mean po-tay-toes? Also, has anyone seen my precious? It was right here, on my-- Hey, has anyone seen my finger?
  7. Hey has anyone seen L. Marcus? I thought he was sitting right there?
  8. I felt it this morning when I was putting ice in my drink.
  9. Was Fluff a dog? Killing...cows? My blanket decree forbidding death applies to pets too. I'm very cross. And sad.
  10. Why do I feel like someone's about to pull the time travel card?
  11. I do, but that's not the same as seeing it again. Don't link that Futurama episode either.
  12. Since arrows can be visible in flight, the latter is possible at sufficient range. I would expect it to be impossible to hit a person at 100 yards with one arrow if that person is paying attention. The success of dodging would therefore be a function of arrow velocity, range, number of simultaneous incoming arrows, target perception, target reaction time, and target agility. I'd say that the target can always dodge as a function of "moving erratically". Specific evasion of a perceived attack can be handled as a dive for cover. Blocking is a whole other ball of wax. Because it requires the active perception of and reaction to the incoming attack, I'd have to give penalties to trying to block an arrow at close range--it'd be at least as hard as a called shot to the hand. Blocking with a shield can give the DCV bonus of the shield to the block, as always.
  13. Download and install KB2881058.
  14. Opportunity still going after 12 years on Mars (so far) Please do not post or link to the xkcd, thanks.
  15. - Replace all monsters with oozes, golems, or undead that take no damage from blades. - Equip all villains with ranged weapons. - And terrain features that prevent swordsmen from reaching them. - Drop into the campaign a really powerful magic... flail. - Magneto. - TPK.
  16. What a freak. When I'm masturbating behind the wheel, I just make eye contact with passing drivers and pedestrians, like a normal person.
  17. Why do I feel like someone's about to pull the time travel card?
  18. I could keep going with this, actually. There is much limb loss in these PG movies--two more arms, two hands, one head, and at least one leg that I can think of, off the top of my head. Oh, and a torso bisection.
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