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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. FIL had a stroke. Not devastating, but he's foggy enough that he probably can't live alone any more. His primary care physician prescribed a foot cream.
  2. I'm not a pilot, though I passed the written test once. I'm not Air Force, though I spent more than my fair share of time on base. Thoughts: - Energy is a key concept in air combat: the combination of airspeed and altitude. If you're at high speed and high altitude you have many options. If you're at low speed and low altitude you don't. You can trade altitude for speed and vice versa, hard maneuvering costs energy, and it can take a while to build energy back up. - If you're willing to abstract the hex map away, then dogfight combat really lends itself to a sort of martial arts system, where you would have maneuvers like "high-g attack", "plunging attack", "improve firing position", "break and extend range", and so on, with ramifications for OCV, DCV, speed, and altitude. Almost like treating aircraft as weapons. - This would help solve the biggest problem I see with the TUV dogfighting rules, which currently boil down to a pilot skill roll-off. Decisions are what make the game. Do I spend lots of energy on a high-g attack and make myself a sitting duck? Or do I patiently work myself into a better position for a missile lock? Can I sucker this guy into overcommitting so that I can break away, or will he not be fooled and kill me? Should I stay here and build energy or should I dive so I can get in range to save my wingman? - There's some similarity with existing (on foot) combat maneuvers. Missile lock is a bit like setting and bracing. Plunging attacks would be like move bys. - I find myself wishing the dogfighting table were more gradual, like instead of a new roll-off result every turn, you could gradually build up piloting skill victories over a few turns and move yourself further down the table until you get to firing position at +6 and can engage with weapons. Hardly a complete aerial combat system but I hope these random ideas help a bit.
  3. We had forty foot surf here last week. Enough to hold the Eddie.
  4. Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am Well I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been It's all been a pack of lies
  5. 1. You made me click on a Fox News link. 2. You didn't qualify 'squad' so I was half expecting it to be 'cheerleading-' or 'death-'.
  6. They are no longer common, nor basic. They are expensive luxuries in an age of faster and mine and more.
  7. Congrats! I don't get to do that for another couple of weeks I think. Likely it will be irrelevant by then but I'll go anyway.
  8. Now what am I going to do? How can I take in a stroke victim when I have no money to improve the house?
  9. Turns out it was a stroke, just as I feared.
  10. Sorry? A historic question was asked, so I thought I would post it here? I guess that was stupid? Or maybe just senile? Which do you think?
  11. Can you give me another area where a misdemeanor violation suspends a constitutional right?
  12. Did you come up with that all by yourself?
  13. I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in pain I dream of love as time runs through my hand
  14. I dreamt that while capturing the criminal, I struck him on the head much too hard, and he needed emergency brain surgery if he was going to survive. I set to work with a multitool and a rag. It went about as well as you would expect.
  15. How many times has Harrison Ford died on screen? The only thing I can think of is Mosquito Coast.
  16. Old Man


    I usually require that summons be restricted to a predefined set of summonable creatures, which are basically not going to be able to summon anything.
  17. Character backgrounds are outstanding!
  18. Is it the same as the seashells from Demolition Man?
  19. I don't see .338 Lapua Magnum in there, but it's still awesome.
  20. Until I say so. You know better than that.
  21. To da one on da flam Boy it's tough I just toss that ham in the fryin' pan Like spam It's done when I come in Slam Damn, I feel like the Son of Sam Don't make me wrek ya hectic Automatic got me goin' like Gen'ral Electric Damn The lights are blinking I'm thinking It's all over when I go out drinking Oh Makin' my mind slow, That's why I don't f__k wit da big four-oh Bro I got ta' maintain 'Cause a n___a like me is goin' insane Insane in the membrane Insane in the brain
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