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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Yes, but it matters how easily. Wired is not perfectly secure, but I can't invisibly breach it from two blocks away with a shotgun antenna either. That's the real problem with wireless--the traffic is freely accessible. In theory strong encryption would make that moot, but WPA2 is the best we have, and it's not what I would call weapons grade. If someone really wants your wireless traffic, they can probably crack it with a modest investment in Amazon AWS compute power, or spoof the initial connection if possible. And that's wifi--cellular is even more vulnerable since there is no authentication to the cell tower. That said, I send passwords over WPA2 all the time. How can you not and still function in modern society? People put up with wired if the machine they're using isn't portable, but now we all carry supercomputers around with us on our belts or in our purses, and wired isn't going to fly there.
  2. True, but that only happens in backward third world countries that are only now implementing EMV cards. Slowly. In civilized places the merchant never touches your card or takes it out of your possession.
  3. Isn't church burning historically a thing for Norwegians? I mean, after the sacking and looting?
  4. Turns out there are millions of snakes. VIPER uses them to short out power lines and jam mechanical devices. Snakes swarm into developed areas driving human populations into a panic. The world economy sputters and stops. Law enforcement and the government are rendered impotent. Communication and transportation are impossible. Millions die in the ensuing riots. CIty residents are forced to choose between starving to death where they are or dying from snakebites or riots. VIPER moves into the resulting power vacuum. The only remaining pockets of resistance are in Ireland, Hawaii, and the frozen north...
  5. Sure, if that rabbit is on acid and hallucinating fields of blood and flying rabbits of death. In my kids' Sunday school, there is much emphasis on That He Died For Us, and that it probably hurt a lot. They don't go into how it took all day for the poor bastard to die, how the nails shatter bones on the way through, how you asphyxiate if you don't hold yourself up by your nailed feet, or how mankind has dreamt up dozens of even more hideous ways of terminating someone they don't like. But to be perfectly honest, they water down and cherry pick the bible for the adults too.
  6. I wonder what they pay people in your IT support department.
  7. Do you like horror films? Because that is a f___ing horror film.
  8. Network airs bunny cartoon for Easter
  9. And when the night is cold and dark You can see, you can see light 'Cause no one can take away your right To fight and to never surrender To never surrender
  10. Yes and no. A melee that includes a literal god, a king, two supersoldiers, at least two war machines, and a Hulk isn't a scuffle. At minimum it's a rumble, if not an affray or an outright battle.
  11. We don't watch Tony because he's an awesome person. Mother Teresa was an awesome person. Did anyone watch Mother Teresa? No, because she was boring. And because she made us feel bad about our selfish materialistic lives. There's a reason all the ratings go to Trumps, Kardashians, Bachelors, Lannisters, Sopranos, and Simon Cowell. Awful people. Monsters! But entertaining.
  12. "When I grow up, I want to be like Dad." "I think you can probably do better, kid." Now where is the damn kleenex?
  13. The suicide bomber at the Easter egg hunt in Pakistan managed to outdo that one. I can't bring myself to link it.
  14. Until last summer our timesheet software didn't do math correctly, and we only got rid of the Y2K bugs in October. But my favorite software engineering story is the one about the Therac 25.
  15. The level of vitriol around this film is astonishing.
  16. I think it was right after Maverick beat the alien queen in a dogfight?
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