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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Upon further review I may be wrong about Cruz--Wisconsin might have been his ninth state. I'm not sure if I misheard NPR or what. However, what I didn't mishear is that voters today are pretty much out of patience for political games, and are unlikely to understand how the winner of the popular vote and the candidate with the most delegates can not be the nominee.
  2. Like I said, Marvel's success is the exception, not the rule. Even with Marvel the rumors of attempted executive meddling are too numerous to ignore.
  3. As it becomes less and less likely that Trump will reach 1237, we're starting to hear more about the truly Byzantine rules of the GOP convention.* The latest is that the eventual nominee must have won at least eight states--a condition which only Trump has met so far. I'm unclear as to how many states Cruz has won, but he's definitely not up to eight yet, and I'm not sure if he's likely to win any of the remaining contests. * Seriously these guys make the rules to Star Fleet Battles look like pickup sticks by comparison.
  4. Yes, the internet was shut down last year and has not yet been restarted. Just look how productive I've become!
  5. Because there's no guarantee I'd even get partial custody.
  6. I'm trying to decide whether Brazil's drinking water is better or worse than Flint's. Certainly Flint has less zika virus going around.
  7. Wisconsin: Cruz beats Trump by about 15 points, and Sanders beats Clinton by about 13. Trump is falling off the pace. He could still reach 1237 by exceeding expectations in New York and California. More likely, he'll miss and go into the convention with more delegates than anyone else, but still less than 1237. Anything can happen at that point--the only guy the establishment might hate more than Trump is Cruz. Sanders continues to meet but not exceed expectations while the clock runs out. If he were a football team he'd need to win out the last six weeks of the regular season, by at least a touchdown, to make the playoffs. Not impossible, but not likely unless Clinton shows up in the Panama Papers.
  8. That's the explanation that makes the most sense to me. I did a little research on the exploding-consoles phenomenon. It first occurred in TOS "Where No Man Has Gone Before", wherein the Enterprise hits an energy field at the edge of the galaxy, causing consoles to explode amid many electrical-like discharges. Nine crewmen die offscreen (and two contract ESP); it's already unclear whether this is from exploding consoles or the discharges. It happens again in TOS "The City on the Edge of Forever", when time distortions from the Guardian at the Edge of Forever "overload the control circuits" and blow up Sulu's console in his face. Exploding consoles doesn't seem to happen again until the Kobayashi Maru sequence in STII:TWOK. Here the cause is (simulated) Klingon torpedoes, and the (simulated) console explosions cause several (simulated) bridge fatalities. So now we're seeing a fictional portrayal of simulated console explosions causing pretend fatalities. Many more consoles would explode on the bridge of the Reliant by the end of the film, though, in a similar fashion. If it matters, these consoles would have been detonated primarily by Enterprise phaser fire hitting the Reliant bridge almost dead on. After that exploding consoles were pretty much just an accepted trope in Trek. On the one hand, yeah, circuit breakers. On the other hand, lightning has been shown to regard fuses, suppressors, and surge protectors as suggestions to be ignored at leisure. It's not totally unreasonable to think that the energy discharged by phaser fire, antimatter torpedo detonations, time distortions, and ESP would likewise do whatever it pleased. To paraphrase The Jerk, "They hate the consoles! Stay away from the consoles!"
  9. Ow. Hate it when bad things happen to good people. Hope they are able to get the transfers reversed and catch the guy. Unfortunately, if the guy is in Russia or Nigeria, you may have to settle for getting your money back.
  10. Voted for Pagan Syria, though I wasn't thinking of Isis specifically. I had something more like a Yog-Sothoth in mind, awakened by all the pain and bloodshed. But really the list of failed states is too short. There's all kinds of benighted places that could go on the list. Kandahar, Congo, South Sudan, Wisconsin, Detroit...
  11. Typically I do this more for clerical spells, but I like to force Invisible Power Effects on magic that isn't supposed to be visibly obvious. That would cover most superstitious charms. Of course, you would also have to limit effects and side effects as well in order to maintain the effect--no levitation or spontaneous candle lighting, for example.
  12. This is not as farfetched as it may seem at first glance. I'm all for supporting troops in whatever godforsaken enterprise that elected chickenhawks send them on, but some of the media treatment goes much too far.
  13. It is technically not illegal to purchase convention delegate votes: http://www.kitv.com/story/31633427/could-republican-convention-delegates-be-bought-legally-maybe The GOP convention could seriously be worthy of pay per view. There might as well be a trial by combat provision.
  14. You have to click it at least five hundred times. There are a lot of little updates involved.
  15. Wow, that hurts. Hope it gets straightened out asap. Might want to put your other financial institutions on notice as well. If someone got hold of enough of your personal information to make a transfer, they might have access to other accounts as well.
  16. What is the first rule of Game of Questions?
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