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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Near as I can tell they didn't do anything, it just snapped out of it. But I think limited comms are still possible in emergency mode so maybe they rebooted it or something.
  2. Yeah, he's done. He might as well stay in for the last three primaries but it'd take a massive Hillary scandal for him to win, and possibly not even then.
  3. If there's one thing that really impresses me about Whedon, it's his ability to get a decent story to the screen in spite of the executives.
  4. Out here in the fields I fight for my meals I get my back into my living I don't need to fight To prove I'm right I don't need to be forgiven
  5. The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu. I didn't actually finish the book--I had to give it back to the library--but it's a collection of short stories, and I read all but the last two or three. Genre wise, this book is all over the map, including historical fiction, cyberpunk, epic SF, and urban fantasy. Liu's prose is very cleanly written (though not truly spare like a Hemingway), and the stories are all very thought provoking.
  6. It's an anti fraud measure. The number of fraudulent tax returns is skyrocketing.
  7. Peter Gabriel Genesis or Phil Collins Genesis? Police Sting or solo Sting? Choose wisely.
  8. Actually all of Texas except Austin is a horrible waste.
  9. I have been laid off I think six times in my career, enough times to start losing count. It doesn't get any easier. Clean up the resume, start working your network, and above all remember that you are not your job.
  10. I like some Nickelback songs. Never understood the hate.
  11. That black hole is somewhat annoying on a theoretical level since it's out there all by its lonesome. Meanwhile, SpaceX has updated the signage on its control facility:
  12. You'll never believe what tkdguy did when he saw THIS!
  13. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
  14. That wiki page is pretty comprehensive and well maintained. I'm impressed.
  15. He's kicking ass in AoS this season. Powers Boothe, I mean. Not Gideon Malick. Gideon Malick has made a mistake or two.
  16. Stan Lee is coming for autographs and photos. I can't say I'm especially motivated to go see him, but it's a big event for the FLGS that was the epicenter of my social life for so many years. They just moved to a new location, so this ought to draw a few zillion new customers, and it'll be great for their business. I'm very happy for them.
  17. One day I will live in a clean house. I swear it.
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