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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. That should not be possible, and if it is, you should still be covered under COBRA. I am not a labor lawyer, however.
  2. Spokane is more of an Innsmouth-type evil as opposed to a Mordor-type evil. There's nothing to throw a Ring into; you just go mad.
  3. Yeah, that would handily solve the single biggest technical problem with that mission (that I know of).
  4. Or a comic book, if the scorpions are radioactive.
  5. I missed this yesterday somehow. I'm not understanding how your insurance got cancelled in the first place, especially mid-month.
  6. Sadly I have had a lot of experience with unemployment. Get into a routine that forces you to get up every morning. If you need to make phone calls you want to catch people before their day gets out of hand. Work your (human) network--of the seven jobs I've had since the eighties, six of them I got through referrals. (The seventh was because I'd put my resume out on all the job sites and a headhunter found me.) And take advantage of your "vacation", but productively. Work out, fix up the house, take a class. You won't have time for any of that once you're starting a new job. And good luck. Remember: you are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank, you're not the car you drive, you're not the contents of your wallet, you are not your khakis.
  7. That would indeed be cool. It's also interesting to see the parallels between Coulson developing into
  8. I am. But I didn't realize at the time that scanning barcodes in Borders and then buying the books for way cheaper off Amazon would really put an end to Borders. Of course, we're talking about a store that devoted 30% of its floor space to compact discs. But I digress.
  9. Hillary will make a pretty good president. I have policy disagreements with her, but she isn't going to build a wall or repeal Obamacare or disband the EPA and IRS, which her opponents have plainly stated they intend to do. And she won't do anything about gun control either, despite the hysterical rantings of the gun lobby.* Oh, and she won't appoint a lunatic to the Supreme Court of the United States. There's already one seat that's at stake, plus almost certainly RBG's in the next few years. One party is going to get a 5-4 or 6-3 majority in the SCOTMFUS. If that's not enough to get people to hold their nose and vote, I don't know what is. * Obama's administration has been a record-setting sales windfall for the gun industry. The local gun stores love Obama. I have no doubt that the gun lobby will crank up the same marketing campaign if Hillary wins, despite the fact that the GOP has an unbreakable stranglehold on the House until at least 2020.
  10. There are no bookstores any more. And it's all my fault.
  11. If your love made you move to Cleveland, you may be in an abusive relationship.
  12. And write off all those sweet, sweet Chinese ticket sales? Not bloody likely.
  13. Indeed. One told to frighten children on cold, black winter nights. But the myth is only a pale shadow of the true elemental horror that is Spokane.
  14. All you Old World types have a sick relationship with your french fries. What did you put on your chips? Mayonnaise? Happy birthday to your mom!
  15. I got tired of opening the newspaper to read all the stories I'd read on the internet the day before. And local coverage is awful. I don't blame the journalists--I get that there's no money in news anymore, especially local news. But I have to contribute to the death spiral by not having garbage delivered to my house any more. I've tried to come up with a solution to the journalism death spiral, but so far I've failed, and I get the sense that I'm not the only one.
  16. It may not be required, but it is mandatory.
  17. I made a conscious decision to stop reading newspaper funnies a couple of years ago. I don't miss them. I do miss not missing them. There are still a handful of decent strips out there, but not enough to justify having garbage delivered to my house every day. Don't get me started on the "news" in the newspaper.
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