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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Yo dawg I heard you like guns so I came up with a way to attach guns to your guns
  2. Like the smoots drive I try to think of FTL methods that either don't impart momentum to the spacecraft or don't allow it to interact with the 'real' universe. Teleportation is one method, though you have to account for the use of it as a weapon in other ways (e.g. the transporter effect). Warp drives can work as well, since it is space that is 'moving' and not the craft, though again you have to figure out why the field itself cannot be used as a weapon. I'm also fond of fixed wormholes/stargates as a combination FTL method and plot point.
  3. You don't think Cavill is an attractive man?
  4. From the previous (and now locked) thread. What do I win?
  5. Any news? My own cranky for the day: Phone ringing off the hook all day long. The Xerox rep who refused to fix our crashy MFD until we installed a power conditioner, now that the power conditioner is installed, insists that the reason the MFD is still crashy is because we didn't tell him to come fix it. Morning con call to answer questions about the new software turned into a troubleshooting session because the consultant failed to tell us what needed to be configured prior to the call. Now I have to sit through the call again tomorrow. Taco Bell lady got my order wrong. Stacie is still leaking oil and may have a failing CV joint, but the soonest I can get it looked at is Tuesday or Wednesday. Accounting demanding that I explain the messed up numbers that they messed up. Weeks-long drama around shipping gear to a store ahead of a tight deadline magically disappears when the original shipping address that we were told we couldn't ship to, can be shipped to. Tomorrow, they'll remember that we can't ship there, and we'll go around again. Boss nodding off in our one-on-one meeting. Really? Contractors for the house modifications are all of highly dubious competence. And are all really expensive. Number in my checking account is still really small. You'd think I'd be used to it after so many years, but no. Lack of money kept us from signing the kid up for the summer class he wanted, now it is full. Scouts mangled my kid's name in the online registration, no telling how hard that will be to unscrew. Haven't been able to plan anything for Mother's Day or the other kid's birthday with all the craziness. But! No surgery or cancer or deaths in the family so far, so I shouldn't complain... right?
  6. Looks like they're calling Indiana for Bernie. More symbolic than anything, since all Dem primaries allocate delegates proportionally. I'm sure Hillary will be more than happy to continue losing states by single digits through June. It'll be interesting to see if Bernie's stubborn failure to lose moves the platform at all in the general.
  7. And once again, we see that the simple task of shipping a few boxes to another location can easily become the opposite of simple.
  8. I should not have read that article.
  9. Just because for some people "Jewish" and "white" are mutually exclusive. Makes no sense to me either, but then again I've never understood racism from a logical perspective.
  10. What's funny is our craptastic internal software won't work if UAC is on. So I have a group policy to force it to be off companywide. Which is already a big security risk, but now it also breaks half of Windows 10. Meanwhile...
  11. 64 degrees Fahrenheit in the office when I got in this morning. It's warmed clear up to 69 now.
  12. Yeah, but where's the fun in that? Neither of those have the pewter finish or wood furnishings that are so appropriate for a period zombie apocalypse.
  13. It's a touchy topic here too. Combine a tourism economy with a top three cost of living and extremely benign weather, and you have a very difficult problem.
  14. Well, it's their own fault for being bipolar/schizophrenic/dirt poor. Why don't they just get a job?! (With no access to education, or Internet, or showers.)
  15. Eldest boy: "Ted Cruz and a bloblfish, separated at birth!" Me: "First of all, how do you know who Ted Cruz is, and second, that is a brilliant comparison."
  16. When was the last time anyone heard from teh bunneh? How is Vengeance Attila doing?
  17. You mean like yourself? Can this thread be derailed?
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