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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Really? I was impressed with the finale. There were some plot holes but the execution was stellar, especially the acting. And if Whedon is riffing off classic plots then that's actually a big plus in my book. It means he's staying close to the source material. Also,
  2. Why, is Jeff a Super PAC? And I notice you haven't chosen a pony yet.
  3. Which one, the original all-rookie team, or the eighties' soap opera of emo freaks?
  4. Ineffable? Obstreperous? Feckless?
  5. The revolver wouldn't, but the operator might.
  6. Saves you having to waste time with all that drawing and aiming silliness.
  7. Reducing the STR Min of your firearm
  8. I had a nightmare the other night. I was driving. I had to make an important delivery. And I couldn't find parking.
  9. Why would I click on a link posted by TMI Man?
  10. Did we need to know about Cancer's multiple orgasms?
  11. I have officially lost track
  12. Figuring out what the family will eat for dinner is apparently the most difficult problem mankind has ever faced. And I have to face it every. single. night.
  13. Relatively speaking, since he'd already played Thranduil. Honestly I was astonished at the faces they got for CW. Actors must seriously be taking pay cuts to show up in Marvel films.
  14. Considering how this election has gone so far, I wouldn't try to predict what'll happen next month, let alone four years from now.
  15. Is there any real evidence that Hillary is going to go on a gun seizing rampage once in office? I note that Obama's Plan To Take All Our Guns is about seven years late. (Perhaps because it's just a gun lobby marketing ploy. )
  16. They might just need to pee real bad. I remember barely making it to the credits of FotR after sucking down a 48oz drink.
  17. I just assumed Matt the Bruins was a hot naked chick.
  18. To be clear, there is a mid-credits scene, and a post-all-credits scene. Also the initial actor credits give clues as to what character each actor plays, so you can look for that too.
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