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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. 5.56mm Microgun has a high rate of fire (No info on the associated bullpup shotgun though.)
  2. Chiming in late to say thanks for doing all that conversion work. You're the only reason FH had more than zero support as far as published adventures and settings in the twentieth century. Although the power level for Rolemaster was often... substantially higher than the FH campaigns we usually ran. I remember thinking that some of them read more like fantasy-themed Champions adventures...
  3. I just discovered my phone calculator has a button for "random". Weird.
  4. That might have been the first program I ever wrote. Well, second, after hello world.
  5. Maybe next week, if it's still at the $5 theater.
  6. Was I supposed to? Everyone here seemed to hate it.
  7. Man, you guys are easily amused. 36-24-36.
  8. This is not the "Wise guns for your games" thread.
  9. You could just stop examining him then?
  10. Sympathies about the... police thing, DT.
  11. $1600 Surface Pros, not $400 iPads.
  12. The job sucks. That's why only lunatics and criminals apply.
  13. At least your car was built this century. Next up for Stacie is a new oil pump. Which is behind all the belts and pulleys on that side of the engine, including the timing belt. I hear Applejack is a pretty good pony. Back on topic, in my opinion Sanders needs to do a better job controlling his supporters if he's going to keep running. I get that part of his platform is that the system is rigged against him, and I think he may even be right, but this hooliganism is only going to hurt his chances.
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